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Y/N looked at Kaira waiting for Kaira to say something but noticed that Kaira was thinking about something. After some time passed Kaira walked over to Y/N and grabbed her hand taking Y/N into her room.

Once they arrived Kaira told Y/N to sit on the bed which she listened immediately.

"I think Louis knows what going on" Kaira said.

"How" Y/N asked.

"I don't know but I just have this feeling it's like he is using this to see if you're going to try and leave, I think we shouldn't do anything until we know it's actually safe" Kaira tells Y/N.

Y/N looked at Kaira like she was crazy then stood up. "Kaira what if you're wrong what if Louis doesn't know and your just paranoid this is finally a chance to leave we can't blow it"

"I know Y/N but it's a guy feeling we ha-" Before Kaira could finish her sentence she was cut off by the door bell ringing. Kaira walked over to the camera to see a  similar blond boy standing at the door with his hands in his pocket.

"I know that isn't-" Kaira cut herself off while walking out of her room and to the front door with Y/N following shortly behind her.

Kaira opens the door to see Milo dressed like a mail man holding a box that had Y/N's name written on it in big font. She sighs before bringing him inside.

While Kaira was closing the door Y/N was looking at the man in confusion.

"Who are you" She asked.

"Y/N it's me Milo, BambiKilla69" He says with embarrassment.

Y/N looks at him again then blinks before making her eyes become wide. She never thought she would see Milo in person and not at her house. She grabs his hand before taking him into Kaira's room quickly.

She sat him down on the bed and started to check out his body to see if he was hurt or had anything on his body that would record her or Kaira.

"Y/N nothing happened to me I'm honestly surprised I got in here in one piece" Milo laughs slightly before turning his attention to Kaira.

He smiles and walks over to her asking her if she was okay. But his worries we're ignored by Kaira who rudely asked him why he was here and how he got here.

"Ah well I got here because when we met up last time I followed you home BUT THAT WAS ONLY BECAUSE I WAS SCARED SOMETHING WAS GONNA HAPPEN TO YOU" Milo quickly said before putting his hand on his face trying to cover his face.

Kaira have him a disgusted look before telling him that he has to leave.

"Wait why I literally just got here"

"You can't be here what I'd Louis or Ryan come back they would kill you in an instant then they would come and kill me" Kaira tells Milo while dragging him out of the room.

Milo stops then does a 360 around Kaira before walking back into the room and going behind Y/N.

"Kaira he should just stay he can help us, I mean even if Louis and Ryan are trying to see if I'm trying to leave it's three people against two" Y/N says making Milo agree with her.

Milo's agreed was soon silence after Kaira gave him a deadly glare.

"Listen Y/N I know you want to leave but we can't okay how about we just stay here and wait" Kaira said while putting both her hands on Y/N shoulder.

Y/N sighs before walking out of the room leaving Milo and Kaira alone.

"I mean can you really blame her, her husband is a-" Milo stopped talking when Kaira gave him a deadly glare once again.

"Why are you still here" Kaira asked in a rude tone to Milo.

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"So do you actually think this is gonna work" Ryan asked her brother who was sitting in the driver seat.

"Yes and if it doesn't then I want to to apologize to Y/N" Louis tells Ryan making her roll her eyes and mumble a whatever before getting out of the car and grabbing her things to take inside the motel.

While Ryan was doing that Louis was watching the cameras inside the house to see what Y/N was doing. He knew exactly what Kaira and Y/N were up to, he didn't live under a rock. But he couldn't bring himself to believe that it was all on Y/N.

It was all Kaira fault, she was trying to make Y/N feel like he was doing something bad to Y/N...which he wasn't he was only trying to protect her and make her the perfect wife for him.

Looking at the cameras he could see Y/N walking by herself in the hallway. He raised an eyebrow wondering what she was doing.

Y/N walks upstairs to the bedroom which makes Louis switch to the bedroom camera. He saw Y/N sitting on the bed with her back facing the camera, she pulled out a laptop then started to type on it.

"I forgot about that laptop" Louis says before letting out a groan. He brings his hand to shut off the camera but freezes when he sees someone walk inside.

Louis let's a relief sligh when he realized that it was just Kaira but then freezes once more when he see a unknown man walk into the room right after Kaira.

"Who the hell-"

Louis turns on the sound from the camera to listen in on what they were saying.

"Y/N listen to your gut I know you're getting the same werid feeling I am getting" Kaira said to Y/N.

"Honestly I think we can just leave now and go to the police I mean it's not that hard" The blonde boy tells the girls.

"Milo please speak when spoken too" Kaira rolls her eyes at him before putting her hand up so her could stop talking.

"I agree with Milo, please Kaira we can just escape and even if Louis does find us we can have stuff to protect us like Knifes or the police"

Louis had heard enough and wanted to immediately go back to the house so he yelled at Ryan to get back into the car. Once she did she asked him what was going on.

"You were right Ryan Y/N is trying to leave me"

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