Blue Doesn't Always Mean Sad

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A/N This is a one-shot of my deleted book. It's a bit old so it's not that good.

Universe: Percy Jackson 

Love Interests: Perseus 'Percy' Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace/Piper McClean, Leo Valdez/Calypso

Summary: Follow Percy as he goes through the trouble of receiving presents from his mother. Like, can't they just let him have it?


Percy was sitting on his single bed in Cabin Three when a knock sounded at his door. When he opened it, he found himself surprised by the person standing there.

"Is something wrong, Chiron? Did something happen?"

Chiron chuckled, his mane whipping back and forth, "Nothing child, I came to remind you that there is going to be a meeting in 30 minutes, we don't want you to miss it like the other times."

"That was one time Chiron!", he said blushing.

Just then, a face shoved its way into the open doorway, "It was not one time, I recall it to be many times, very different many times, very very diff-"

"We get it Valdez" an exasperated voice sounded from behind Chiron, and Chiron moved to reveal them, before waving goodbye. Annabeth, Jason, Piper, and Leo stood at his doorway, grins lighting up their faces. Frank and Hazel were at Camp Jupiter, they mentioned they had work to do there, and Nico had gone to the Underworld as Hades had needed him.

"Hi Wise Girl!" Percy greeted, grinning.

"And what are we, chopped meat?" Leo said, pouting playfully. Piper and Jason just stood by his side and nodded as if agreeing with him.

"Yeah, we get it Perce, we'll just leave you alone with your girlfriend now, you know, to do the naughty-naughty."

Annabeth and Percy flushed as the others burst out laughing. Piper covered her mouth, Jason was slightly floating letting out a few snorts between his chuckles, and Leo, being the dramatic little sh-(Language Percy!) was laying on the ground, his hands on his stomach, and his eyes letting out a few small droplets of water.

Leo stood up and wiped his hand on his face before wiping it on his work outfit, though Percy couldn't say work outfit, he wore the same thing all the time.

"Now that you guys are done, can we please discuss what we came here to do in the first place?"

"Yeah, why are you guys here anyway? I heard Wise Girl and Piper were training some of the girls and Jason was trying to play some games with that kid from the Apolo cabin."

"What about me?!" Leo asked, his hand placed on his forehead dramatically.

"Well, Leo, everyone already knows that you're always in your workshop," said Piper.

"The betrayal Beaty Queen!" Leo pretended to faint and everyone ignored him, trying to hide their smiles.

"So what did you guys want?" Percy asked.

Annabeth's expression suddenly turned serious, and she turned to Percy, "Do you remember the boy, Kai, from Hecate cabin? Will recently diagnosed him with ADHD, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder."

He nodded, "Yeah, I remember him, what happened?"

"He went missing around morning, and just came back and when we asked where he went and if we were okay, he ignored us, which was very odd since he talks all the time. We were worried so we asked the head of Hecate Cabin, Andrew, about it, and said that Kai had been behaving like this for a few days. We wanted to ask you about it."

Before Percy could respond, however, Piper interrupted, "Guys, we have to go, we have around 2 minutes for the meeting to start."

"Shuck!" Leo yelled, "Race you guys there!"

Percy shook his head and started running after Leo, Jason following behind, while the girls speed-walked behind them.

When they arrived at the Big house, he opened the door without knocking, not as if anyone noticed anyway, but he slightly shrank as Annabeth shot him a glare/exasperated look.

The other hed councilors had sat at their respective spots around the huge meeting table. Several bunches of papers and parcels were placed on the table. Percy sat at his spot and saw a parcel sitting innocently in front of him. It was wrapped in some dolphin wallpaper and had a note tied to it. He opened the note, and read to himself,


I hope you have been enjoying yourself at Camp. I have a feeling something is going to happen, I don't know bad or good, but be careful. In case you are having a bad day, or not, I have sent a box full of blue cookies to cheer you up! Share them with your friends.

With Love,


He eagerly tore the wrapper away and gaped as he looked at the size of the box filled with blue cookies. He was about to open the box, before he looked up, realizing they were being too quiet. He saw that they were all staring at him, some (Leo) with their mouths open, others averting their eyes, while some looked ready to lunge across the table for it.

Percy warily stood up and slowly walked towards the door, never turning his back to the pack of wild animals sitting in front of him. Leo was the first one to lunge (of course) at him for the box, and Percy dogged, but Leo had encouraged the others to reach for the cookies too. Even the head of the Demeter Cabin, who was usually calm, Katie Gardner, stood up to take the cookies from him.

Percy held the blue cookies close to his chest, clutching them like a baby. He was pushed down and squashed by the weight of everyone in the room as they jumped on top of him. He felt his face get pressed to the right, yet he still clutched the cookies close to him, shifting a bit so he was lying on his stomach and holding the cookies underneath him.

The reaching hand tried to pull him up, but he curled around himself, determined to not let them take his cookies.

"What in heavens is going on here?" He recognized the voice as Chiron's, "Get back in your seats!"

"B-but Percy's got cookies!" Leo cried out, reaching out his arms as he was dragged to his seat by Will, who sat to his right. Andrew did the same for Katie, while Piper hit Jason on the head before lunging at him again. Annabeth and Jason pulled her away, and Piper sat in between them, Jason to her right, and Annabthe to her left.

Percy eyed the savages around the table before slowly limping/dragging his right leg to his seat at the end of the table in front of Chiron who sat on the other side. He realized that his leg had gone numb during the massive pile-on on top of him. He was still tightly holding the box to his chest.

"Now that you are all settled, may we get on with the meeting?" Chiron questioned with a hard look, but everyone in the room could see the concern in his eyes and hear a bit of fondness in his voice. Percy silently promised himself that he had to thank Chiron later for saving him, give him a big hug, and as much as it pained him, give him two of his blue cookies.

"Percy, you can begin this time."

Actually, blue cookies canceled for Chiron for making him speak first in this atrocious meeting.


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