Wings AU

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A/N This is a one-shot of my deleted book. It's a bit old so it's not that good. P.S. It's also the first thing I started writing with...

Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Love Interests: None

Summary: Everyone has wings. This is how Peter Parker, the 'nerd's wings are revealed.


Everyone had wings. That was a common fact. Each person has different types of wings. Most use them for flying, some for protecting themselves and attacking. All the heroes had wings, too. But not all of them used it. For example, Iron man, he doesn't use his wings as he flies in a suit. Heroes like Captain America or the Black Widow, use their wings to distract, attack, and protect themselves. Some heroes just don't show their wings for reasons.

Spiderman was one of the heroes that didn't show their wings. He swang around using webs, instead of his wings. Nobody knew what his wings looked like. Spiderman was also a vigilante, so he worked alone.

Peter would say that he would like to keep his wings out when he went out as Spiderman and at school, but he knew he couldn't since his wings were huge and long. His wings were black with red and blue feathers. At one point, Peter used to think that everyone would accept him, but after what happened with Aunt May...He didn't want to show his wings to anybody.

Peter called it the Aunt May Incident. He was just having a normal day, which was not normal at all. He went to school where he was bullied and then walked to the Stark internship where he would spend his time with Mr, Stark and the rest of the Avengers. When Peter came home, he ran into his room, threw his bag onto his bed, and unfurled his wings. His wings didn't fit in the small room, as it was very tiny, but he would have to make use of it. May had just come home and Peter didn't hear the doorbell or the footsteps. the door to his room opened and Aunt May gasped. Peter tried to explain, but before he knew it, he had all of his stuff packed and was ready to go outside. Peter didn't know what to do, so he called Mr.Stark. Eventually, Mr.Stark picked him up, and so on and so forth.

Peter hung up on his clothes for the day. He felt like something really bad was going to happen today. Peter walked to the living room, where he saw Bucky making some pancakes.

"Want some, Pete?," asked Bucky, interrupting his train of thought.

"Thanks" replied Peter as he grabbed a plate for the pancakes.

Peter jogged to school where the bell rang, indicating that he was just in time. The classes went on as normal before suddenly a huge beep filled the classroom. Peter jumped and clapped his hands over his ears. A familiar loud voice filled the classroom with so much urgency in it, that Peter grabbed his backpack.

"Spiderman, we need you! There are a huge number of aliens attacking. I repeat we need you! Also, just so you know, if an alien bites you, you will be dead in less than thirty minutes, but before that, if you can break off one of its horns, then you can cure yourself."

Peter stood up as his class looked at him like he was crazy, "Penis, what are you doing? Sit down! they asked for Spiderman, not you!"

Peter said nothing but tapped twice on his watch, and watched as his suit covered him. His class gapped at him. Peter broke the window and swung out.

He swung to the Avengers Tower and looked down at what was happening. He could see Ironman blasting off a bunch of aliens on himself and his teammates, Captain America was slicing the aliens through with his shield, and the Hulk was smashing and throwing cars at the aliens. Thor was throwing Mjnoir around and frying aliens, Blak Widow was electrocuting and slicing aliens, and Hawkeye shot arrows and pierced the aliens.

He quickly swung down to help his teammates fight against them. The aliens didn't seem to notice that someone joined the fight, but the Avengers did. They cheered in their minds.

Spiderman and the rest of them quickly finished the battle, and they celebrated. No one was severely hurt.

The Next Night

Peter was dressed in a black tuxedo that he borrowed from Mr.Stark. Tony had arranged a party for the next day after the battle for celebrations. He, of course, had to make it a really huge party and invite all the people he knew. When Peter arrived at the party, he was swarmed by girls.

"Are you single?"

"Oh my god!"

"He is so hot!"

"Look at him!"

"Does he have a girlfriend/boyfriend?"

Peter ignored all the girls and walked over to the snack table where he saw his school's Declathon team. When Peter arrived, he was attacked by a lot of questions.

"Are you really Spiderman?"


"How did you get your powers?"

"Can you share your powers?"

"Do you shoot webs from your skin?"

Peter answered all of them and was interrupted by Mr.Stark climbing onto the stage. He announces, "This party is pretty nice if I say so myself. I need to say that I thank everyone who helped us in the battle with the aliens yesterday...Enjoy your time here!"

Everyone claps and falls as a loud rumble is heard. the citizens all moved together to form a huddle. Suddenly, the ceiling falls and aliens are coming in again. As they shoot, Peter instinctively spreads his wings out so that they can protect the citizens. Everyone gapped at the wings.

As soon as the aliens were defeated again, Peter had to reveal that he was Spiderman. Everything was good for him, except the fact that paparazzi, fans, and others kept following him.



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