The Water Park

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I'm shaking, is it a earthquake or something? I suddenly wake with a jolt, my mom was shaking me to wake me up.
"Moooommm let me sleep 5 more minutes please I beg" and I throw my face into my pillow. My mom looks at me and says "5 more minutes means you will constantly ask over and over and over and that really annoys me"
"Ugh fine" I pull the blanket off and put my bathing suit on and then my clothes over it. I look at the time and scream "MOM ITS 5 AM I DONT NEED TO BE THERE FOR HOURS" She looks at me and starts laughing, "I know I just wanted to see you get angry when you look at the time, your face gets reddish and you start to look like you will destroy anyone who bothers you"
"THATS BECAUSE I WILL!" I manage to walk to the living room and turn on the tv and watch a movie till its time to go.
Once we are at the water park I look around with Summer and Kaylee. We go and hang out in the tide pool with her step sister and her brother.
"This is so much fun" I say right as Summer's brother, Josh gets hit in the face with a wave. Summer points and laughs "Haha you got hit by a wave" then a wave smacks her in the back, surprised she topples deeper in the water face first.
Me and Josh start talking about minecraft as Summer and Kaylee are talking, giggling and looking at me sometimes with a grin like they know something I don't. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see Kaylee and Summer swimming towards the tide pool exit.
I quickly swim after them and they run when they see me but I'm faster then I seem. I catch them in the line for a water ride. I go up to them and ask "Why would you leave me?" Kaylee looks at Summer and Summer says "We are going on a two people ride, we left because we didn't want you to get angry."
I quickly responded, " If you didn't want me to get mad then you should have told me!" I turned and ran before they could see the tears, I dove into a pool swimming quickly, only thinking of betrayal.

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