Chapter 5: The Darkness...

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The Battle concluded to be an indecisive bloodbath. 60,000 dead bodies lay out in the open field, decomposing as the sun sets below the hilly terrain.

James: Remember... I told you NEVER to give that folder to anyone but The Officers. They're the good ones, so they will listen to you.

Cody: Okay, but how am I going to get there if their defenses are constantly up.

James had to think of a plan... both this trench and their own are going to KOS. They have to find a way back into their trench without being noticed.

James: I have no clue how we will get back... but I need to find a way to get us out of here first.

James lifts his head over the trench, trying to get a good glimpse of the life over the trench line. He puts his head back down and pays good attention to the spotlights.

James: We've got a chance to escape from this place! Come on, Cody... we've got it!

James throws his Musket on his back with his straps, and rushed out of the trench. Cody would follow suit, not knowing if this was going to work.

Cody: God... what the hell happened out here.

The thousands of bodies laying in the giant battlefield were just looking horrid now. It was as if a horror movie was being made about this event.

Janes: Whatever happened here, let's make sure that it doesn't happen to us.

James sifted his legs through the blood stained ground, completely at a loss for words in this moment. Cody followed, while also being completely freaked out by this. No where has he ever seen something like this before.

Cody: This is so putrid. I can't even breathe the air without smelling rotting flesh and blood.

James: We'll get through this, that i can promise you.

A Minefield was coming up, and James almost immediately caught it on before he walked into it. He holds Cody while pointing to the small objects on the field.

James: Mines. Triggering these will get us killed, either by the mines or by the Esplanade.

He carefully steps over the minefield, trying to land his feet on the space in between the mines. Cody would inevitably have to follow suit... and he wasn't prepared for this.

Cody: W-What if these things trigger... we're both as good as dead.

James: Then make it a priority to survive, Cody... whatever it takes to get this to the Officers Cadre.

After a long trip through the minefields, they find the small pathway that lead from the tremchline... They've made it through!

James: We did it, Cody! We got through it all! We can get this to the Officers!

Cody stepped on the last corner, and made it to the other side. They both looked at one another, and began sprinting towards their trench, finally escaping the hellscape that was the final battle.

Cody: No way are we just going to stand by and let this happen again... we're discussing this with the cadre.

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