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"Bhrata Yuyutsu?"

Arjun scrambled up in surprise, setting aside his Gandiva that he had been polishing.

"Jyesht Yudhishthir and I..." Yuyutsu hesitated. "We had a chat, earlier. I would have spoken to you and Bheem first, but you two've been avoiding me for the whole month..."

Arjun acknowledged that by silence. Bheem and he had always been the closest to Yuyutsu and Duhsala in their childhood. They used to have a gang of four, long back. The prospect of their cousin fighting opposite them on the battlefield, therefore, had been taken hardest by the two of them.

"I have decided to switch sides," blurted out Yuyustu in one breath. "I could not fight a war for the side I believe to be wrong. And I am entirely convinced that Jyesht Duryodhan's side is wrong."

"You will fight for us?" said Arjun.

Yuyutsu nodded.

"This is the best news I've heard in a long time," said Arjun from his heart. "Have you told the others?"

"No, I came to you first..."

Arjun hugged him before hailing Bheem loudly.

"Guess what, Bhrata Bheem?"

Bheem caught sight of Yuyutsu and his expression hardened with resolve. Yuyutsu seemed to notice, because he launched into speech quickly.

While Bheem was expressing his delight at the news, Madhav slipped up to them.

"Come with me for a bit, Parth."

Nonplussed, Arjun followed Madhav out of the tent.

"Bhrata Yuyutsu is fighting on our side, Madhav, that is one person less whom I love and will have to fight against!"

"Yes, I heard." Madhav grinned. "It is heartening that at least one of Duryodhan's brothers had the courage to fight for what is right and not what is easy. There's something else I need to tell you."

"From the way you speak, it appears to be bad news," said Arjun, his smile turning into a frown.

"It's not bad news. It's just--" Madhav cleared his throat. "I wish to ride into the battle as your charioteer."

"My--my charioteer?" said Arjun faintly. "No, Madhav, how can you be my charioteer?"

"Being a charioteer is nothing demeaning," said Madhav softly. "Now my sons may be called sutaputras, too, and I will teach them it is not an insult but an honour."

Arjun felt unaccountably chastened.

"I did not mean it to be demeaning," he said. "But you are the--the Lord, Madhav. I am sorry, but this is ridiculous. You cannot be anyone's charioteer."

"I would not wish to be anyone's but yours."


"Come on, Parth, you know you need me at your side at all times during the war." Madhav's lips twitched. "You would need a lot of calming down, I expect."

"I would need...what?" demanded Arjun.

"Guidance," said Madhav. "Encouragement. The light when you are unable to see it. The choice between what is right and what is easy. You will need me."

"I will always need you," said Arjun. "But does that have to translate into you being my charioteer?"

"You did not really think I am letting you go into war without me, Parth," said Madhav, "did you?"

Arjun caught the subtle change in his friend's face as he turned from teasing to serious.

"I would die of worry," whispered Madhav. "I will forbid you from participating in the war if you do not take me as your sarathi."

"All right," said Arjun uncertainly. "If you feel so strongly--I would love to have you near me, Madhav, I could not ask for anything more."

Madhav clasped a bemused Arjun in his arms.

"Best of all," he declared with a laugh, "I get a new name to add to my already unmanageable list."

"What is that?" Arjun could barely speak through the stranglehold on his neck.



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