V2 Chapter 18 - The Kageyama Shadow

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Shien stood still, prepared for the group's first move, but Tyler was not having it. He gritted his teeth, held onto the sword as he prepared himself to charge.

Wildcat: "Fuck this!"

He then charged forward as fast as he could before Marcel could even stop him.

Basically: "Tyler don't!"

Vanoss: "Well I guess we have no choice now."

Evan drew his blade as he began running alongside Delirious who followed suit with his two daggers. Marcel sighed as he prepared to maintain distance to fire off any Spell he could conjure. Shien awaited for the challenge, smiling a little bit to see what this group is really made of. Honestly he is aware on what he was hired to do. His job is to capture the Verdonian Representative, then lure this group of Adventurers out into the open to kill them. He doesn't know why the one who hired him considered them a threat, but he welcomed the challenge to see it for himself.

Shien: "Now we're talking."

Tyler was the first to strike as he swung his blade towards Shien, but as it was about to make contact, Shien turned into a shadow for a split second and dodged the blow by moving to the side. The movement was instantaneous as Tyler was confused on what happened. But what happened next was what he wasn't able to react against.

Anya: "Watch out!"

Shien went in for a punch to the gut, slightly lifting Tyler up into the air as he felt the pain rush through his body, making him cough out spit. And within the next moment, Shien moved in a shadow-like form as he appeared in the air to hit Tyler away with a spinning kick. Tyler landed on the ground, though bounced twice. Though within this moment, since Evan was copying Delirious's Aura, they both leaped into the air at the same time in an attempt to strike him.

But Shien moved in his shadow form again between the blades as the blades made contact with each other, staggering the both of them in the air. Shien then used a bit of his shadows to hit the two directly, knocking both away as he landed gracefully on his feet, then charging at full speed towards Marcel. 

This completely caught Marcel off guard, but he then put his hands together, using his one trick.

Basically: "{Fleet Footwork}!"

As Shien was about to land a downward attack on Marcel, he managed to dodge out of the way, making Shien miss and hit the ground as it created a small crater. Marcel was surprised by now nimble this person was, though he could tell something was off about him, which he needs time to figure out.

Basically: "{Firebolt}!"

He then fires a bolt of fire at Shien who dodged out of the way. Though Delirious wasn't too far behind as he went for a strike from behind, hoping to catch him off guard. But Shien could pick this up because of his animal ears as he could hear him. So he caught Delirious by surprise by doing an immediate spin kick that sent Delirious to the side. 

Then Evan manages to catch up, swinging a few times, but he was dodging it in his shadow form. Though Marcel was watching Shien's movements carefully, trying to understand what he is doing. He could tell that once he stops moving for a moment, he returns to normal, but when he does move, he becomes untouchable. It was really confusing, but he could pick it up with the eye that the Warden gave him. Tyler finally got back up since the punch was really strong that it knocked the wind out of him. This was pissing him off.

Wildcat: "Alright you bastard. Let's see how you handle this!"

Tyler then charged at Shien as his sword began to glow. Evan was kicked away by Kageyama before Tyler reached him. Shien saw this attack coming, so he dodged out of the way, but as he did dodge it, the blade released a wave of bright light that seemed to cut into the ground in a slash-like motion. Even though it missed, the energy that was released by that attack somehow messed with his shadows a bit. 

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