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"I'm sorry..."

"What is there to be sorry for? You're beautiful, just the way you are,"

She struggled to stop her tears of joy from emerging, but they already were streaming freely, until he reached forward and wiped them away, she could only stare at him, he too was beautiful.

She looked at him, "I just.... didn't think anyone would want me, I gave up on love long ago,"

"So did I. By the Sun, even a king has had his heart broken, I've had mine broken twice, as you know. However, I see you before me now and I'm praying that it doesn't break a third time, so please, don't,"

Her heart thudded, how could have this come to be? A girl from a large Carja family and given a name considered improper. She never imagined falling in love with anyone, but with him, so sweet and gentle, and a king no less, it no longer mattered. She then smiled, gazing into his loving brown eyes and said,

"As you wish, your Radiance,"

Without bothering to ask her to address him by his real name, he instead pulled her into his embrace and his mouth locked with hers, kissing her passionately under the stars. She was everything he wanted and needed, and he did not want to lose her. Her words were enough to tell him she felt the same.

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