Chapter 4 - Guild

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Entering the Hunter's Lodge, Emily Darav presented herself at the doorway like she was half expecting someone to greet her or block her path unless she showed her Half-Suns. But, the doors were wide open, and the large room resembled a massive tavern with many seats and tables of hunters chatting and bragging about their latest kills. From above, the decapitated head of a Thunderjaw was dangling from the ceiling. One day, she promised quietly while gazing at it.

She took a look around the room again to see stairs leading to the upper level and in the corner of the tavern was a counter. Walking in that direction, she noticed that she had received a few stares from the other members. To her surprise there were a lot more women in the Lodge than she thought, some of them were even from other tribes.

A woman in yellow, red, and white silks stood behind the counter.

"Welcome. I haven't seen you before. I'm Aidaba, how can I help you?"

She was very friendly and just what Emily needed, though she felt bad for taking off from her younger siblings, she needed to be around different people for a change that wasn't family.

"I'm just looking around, quite the place here," Emily answered with an attempt of cheerfulness and glanced at the Thunderjaw head again,

"That's Redmaw. Slain by Aloy herself along with our new Sunhawk. Magnificent isn't it?" Aidaba said,

"Yes, it is,"

Just then, a new female voice entered the conversation, "Hey you can't be in here! Not without proof,"

Emily spun around to see a blonde girl with tanned skin and donned from head to toe in black armour made from the wings of a Stormbird.

Dumbstruck, Emily glared at the girl, "For your information the doors were open, I'm assuming anyone can go in,"

"Oh yeah, where's your proof princess?" the girl snapped,

"Don't call me that, I'm not a princess!"

"You sure as hell look like one in those silks!"

Emily sighed, wishing she wore her Blazon instead but her father wanted her to look presentable when they arrived in Meridian. She hadn't really been given the time to change clothes after sneaking away. Either way, this girl sounded like she was either in charge or pretending to be. Before Emily could come up with a comeback, another woman arrived passing the rude girl.

Emily was immediately envious of this third woman in her presence, she was wearing Carja Blazon Master and her long black hair was tied in a ponytail behind.

"Excuse me, is there a problem here?"

The rude girl spoke again pointing at Emily, "She didn't show proof of her eligibility to enter!"

Don't point at me you bitch, Emily stopped herself from mumbling.

"That's enough Heliah, need I remind you who is in charge here? Everyone is welcome,"

Heliah scowled and flounced off,

The woman in the Blazon Master turned to Emily, "Apologies for that. Some new members in the Lodge still hold prejudice to anyone who walks in, even other Carja,"

Emily crossed her arms, "Well that seems unusual, would make sense if I was from another tribe but still,"

"Eh I don't get some of them but my job is to make this place more welcoming. Any disputes like that will be taken care of. Anyway, welcome to the Hunter's Lodge. I'm Talanah, the Sunhawk,"

Emily covered her mouth that had fallen open, "Talanah? No way, I've heard about you but I didn't know you were the Sunhawk now! So that must mean you fought Redmaw along with Aloy of the Nora?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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