an awkward silence filled the air as we sat down and waited for lindsey to bring us our coffee. i tried to think of something to say to get a conversation going, but my mind drew a blank. thankfully, franks brain seemed to be working fine and he broke the silence.
"so i take it you know the barista personally?" he asked with a slight look of amusement on his perfect face.
''oh, lindsey? yeah, i've known her for a long time actually."
"Speak of the devil." Frank said as he turned his gaze up to Lindsey.
She was standing there with our coffee, her bright red lips turned up into a smile. I really have to inform her that i don't even know if Frank is gay or not, because she was using her suggestive eyebrows again, and that's not really helping this already slightly awkward situation.
"Here you are boys!" She said as she set our coffees down on the table. We both said our thanks as she did so.
"I'd love to stay and play catch up with you gee, but I'll let you guys be." She took one last look between us and smiled before walking away. Dammit Lindsey.
Frank looked out the window and sipped at his coffee, looking rather deep in thought. I cleared my throat awkwardly, trying to get his attention lightly without ripping him out of his thought bubble. I hated when people did that to me.
He managed to come back down to earth as he turned back to me and mumbled a "sorry" and smiled down at his coffee, his cheeks turning an adorable shade of red.
"No worries." I smiled at him. "Something on your mind?"
"Yeah I guess. Just a little stressed with the move and everything I suppose." He looked up at me with a small smile as he returned to sipping his coffee.
"what made you move here anyway, if you don't mind me asking?"
"well, my mother is actually in the hospital, she has breast cancer and she had to transfer to a hospital here in new jersey for treatment. so i decided to move here from california to be closer to her." when he finished he had a gloomy look on his face.
Well shit. I was not expecting that.
Suddenly memories of my grandmother came flooding back and I had to suppress the urge to cry. i was really close to my grandmother when she was alive, and then she was diagnosed with breast cancer and not long after passed away. i've worked hard to suppress all the memories from that dark time in my life, but i figure if i can help anyone else through something like this then i'll do it. i didn't have anyone with me that had gone through it before to support or comfort me. so if i can make this any easier for him, then i will."oh, i'm sorry to hear that. i hope she gets better." i gave him a sad smile and stared down at my coffee. "You know, my grandmother actually passed away from breast cancer, so I know how tough it can be to have someone close to you going through that. so you can always come to me if you need anything, alright?"
When I finished, franks facial expression changed from gloomy to apologetic in an instant. But I wasn't looking for sympathy, I hated it. I can't stand people feeling sad for me. i was now here to help him. and that was final.
"oh wow. i'm so sorry for your loss...but yeah, i will, thanks a lot. really."
he gave me a sad smile, and i could tell he wasn't all that keen on talking about his sick mother, so i decided to change the subject and get this date- i mean, evening out with a friend, started. "yeah, no problem." i said with a smile. "now what do you say we get going? we've got a town to see after all, right?" i said with a smile.
frank lit up at the mention of going into town as though he had forgotten about the reason he was here in the first place, and perked back up instantly as if the previous conversation had never even happened. he is a strange one.
"yeah! let's get going." he said with a smile as he began to gather his things and start scooting his way out of the booth.we both said our goodbyes to lindsey as we made our way out of the small shop and into the streets of new jersey.
OMG IM SO FRAKING SORRY. i said i would post every 1-2 days or something like that, and its been like 2 weeks or more! i just completely lost my motivation to write for a good while there. this whole story is a mess really, but i think i've found an actual plot! (plz don't kill me for that plot twist btw) so hopefully that will help things along now that i know where i'm going with this. i know this is an extremely short chapter, but i just wanted to put something out for you guys! the reads are slowly picking up to my surprise so that's pretty awesome! so thanks! and as for a posting schedule, i don't think i can have a solid one set in stone as of now, so forgive me. i'm sure i'll find a happy medium once i get my shit back together. thanks for being so patient!
whole lotta love -B

Changing seasons
РазноеGerard way. He lived his normal quiet life as an artist in New Jersey. He was very content with his life. He had his family, art, and a collection of horror movies to watch for hours on end. What more could he need? At least that's what he thought u...