10. trust

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The halls of the Beach were something not comforting to Kazumi, their off white walls reflected the yellow lights in a unsettling way. They stretched on in a way that felt endless, those hall felt easy it get lost in.

Luckily Kazumi had a guide, and as they walked beside each other they winded along a dizzying path, eventually making their way to one of the higher floors of the building.

As they progressed along their route a comfortable silence enveloped the two. Kazumi was surprised at how quickly she relaxed around Chishiya, they hadn't known each other all that long.

Glancing at the man next to her, she considered how much she actually knew about him. He was definitely smart, both in terms of situational logic and in his technological experience. It's not everyday you meet someone who can make a taser from scratch.

He could be cunning when he wanted, and between his ever-relaxed posture and his good looks, charisma flowed easily off of him.

She guessed that's why she felt so relaxed next to him, his nonchalance dulling the constant humming on her nerves, and yet-

"I know you don't trust me."

"You tricked me the first time we met."

"I wanted to make sure you listened to what I had to tell you." They had reached a dead end, so Kazumi assumed the room they were heading to was one of the doors towards the end. Chishiya stopped walking to lean against the wall facing her

"I know you don't trust me," he repeated "but I need you start."


"If I answered that you wouldn't have to trust me."

She sighed, but her adrenaline started racing through her veins. She never thought she was the gambling type, but perhaps this land had changed her.


"Good, there's something I'd like to tell you then."


The room hummed with activity as the executives filed in. Most took a seat at a large central table but there were not enough chairs for every person in the room. A few faces were familiar, having been present when she had first arrived. The room itself was familiar as well as it was the very room she had woken up in that long day ago.

Kazumi elected to lean against the wall behind Chishiya, who had taken a seat quickly after entering. From where she stood she could watch every person in the room, the thought comforted her.

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