XXXIV ; If Time Allows It

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Minho, who has been silent for several seconds already, loses himself in the taller boy's piercing gaze.

He looked completely lost trying to understand if he was dreaming or if he was really there, sitting in front of Hyunjin, in this hotel.

From his pupils, he seeks answers.

– You are wonderful Min'... Never doubt it...

Hyunjin whispers as his eyes drop to the smaller's luscious lips. His gaze hangs on it as if it depends on it, then he adds, approaching a little bit.

– You are... The missing part of my heart...

That's when the memories hit Minho hard.  He raises his eyebrows slightly, not taking his eyes off Hyunjin.

After all these years, he finally had the answer to this question he had asked himself many times.

A wave of pleasant warmth seizes his body and flashes of memories resurface in his mind.

Suddenly, everything is much clearer.

All the little attentions Hyunjin had given him, all those affectionate nicknames he had given him since they were little, all those jokes and catchphrases he had made him hear...

His heart starts beating a thousand an hour and a feeling of lightness takes hold of him.  He feels awfully light, but also like the biggest moron.

However, the signals are clear.

A tear forms in the corner of his eye as he feels like his heart is about to burst out of his chest.

Hyunjin, meanwhile, goes from his lips to his eyes. He sees this discreet tear and therefore dares to whisper, frowning slightly.

– ...Minho...?

The mute one leaves a silence fill the room a moment longer but then lowers his head, breaking the eye contact yet so pleasant.

– If only I had known... If only I had been less stupid, less blind...

That tear that had appeared in the corner of his eye made its way to his cheek flushed with shame.

– If only I had-

Barely finished his sentence, Hyunjin lowers to bring both hands to either side of his face, cupping him. He makes him raise his head to come and place his lips on his, the impulse having won the day.

Although surprised by his gesture, Minho wasted no time in closing his eyes and joining in the soft, slow kiss.

By moving his lips against those of the smallest, the swarthy begins to caress his cheek and at the same time, he erases this tear which was going to flow towards his jaw.

An explosion of emotions is felt in him and finally, he feels released from this secret that he had kept for far too long.

He is relieved to no longer have this burden on his shoulders.

Minho also feels his mind and heart twist. A smile from him is felt on his lips and he in turn brings his hands to the taller's now light shoulders.

The kiss lasts until the smaller one awkwardly ends it to catch his breath, his cheeks and ears flushed pink again.

The two look at each other silently smiling, conveying their feelings for each other.

But the silence must be broken and it is the brunette who takes the first step following this spontaneous but magical exchange.

– If you only knew... The amount of times I wanted to tell you what I feel for you... But I never had the courage...

– There is a time for everything, but when time no longer exists, well... We create our own rules.

Minho's eyes regained their sparkle, their glow, as he breathed out his next words, smiling beamingly.

– Then, if time allows it, I want to tell you that... I love you, Hyunjin. I loved you, I love you, and I will always love you...

Moved by his words, Hyunjin rushes back to steal Minho's lips which he soon became addicted to. He knows that he will never be able to do without it again and that he would like this moment not to be just a vulgar vision like he had had during the accident about thirty days ago. He hoped with all his heart.

Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now