Since Always, Jiminsii

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"Hello my friend! Look what I made you!"

Jimin looks down at the plate of cupcakes in Jungkook's hands and he gasps quietly, "Vote for Jimin cupcakes?"

Jungkook nods.

"Jungkook, I- Hmm..for once I don't hate your kindness."

Jungkook laughs, "That makes me happy."

"So, I've been thinking," Jimin says as they start to walk, and give out the cupcakes with smiles, "We should set up a table during lunch again and give out gifts. Like, thank you gifts. Showing our appreciation."

"Oh, I really like that. Let's make them together?"

"Yeah, okay. I think that's a great idea."

"Yes! Wanna come over later on today? To work on them."

Jimin clears his throat. Last time he was invited over he was annoyed, but now he's...fine?

How can Jungkook change it all so much already?

Is it bad that I'm warming up to him?

"Okay, yeah, I'll come over around five."

Jungkook smiles, "Perfect."

                          .       .      .

"My room is up here."

Jimin nods, continuing to follow Jungkook upstairs.

Jungkook holds the door open for Jimin, and once Jimin steps in, his eyes widen, "Woah..not at all what I was expecting." He says, eyeing the neatly made bed with black sheets, clean floor, a brown desk on the other side with papers on it in an organized way...posters of famous football players hung along the walls.

"Ohh let me guess, you were expecting a cool slide, a water beddd, and maybe even-"

"Nah. More like clothes and empty beer can scattered across the floor, and posters with girls in bikinis along the walls."

Jungkook looks at Jimin with a bored expression, " heart is officially shattered."

"I'm kidding I'm kidding!...kinda- anyways! I was thinking we make homemade gifts! Things from us and our hands. It's more meaningful that way, no? Oh! Thank you cards!"

Jungkook sighs, "Oh, boy."



"Vote for Park Jimin!"

A girl approaches Jungkook with a confused facial expression, "Shouldn't you be telling us to vote for you?"

Jungkook grins, "Jimin and I are a team now. I want to represent him. But vote for who you truly want to vote for."

Jimin overhears this, and smiles, looking at students while handing out the cards he and Jungkook worked really hard on, "Vote for Jeon Jungkook...he isn't so bad after all." He glanced over at a smiling Jungkook again. "In fact, I think he's grown up quite a bit."
'Gosh, why couldn't he act like this when I liked him? If I had- hold on.'

Jimin's eyes widen and he shakes his head. Oh, no. No no.

Forget that!

                          .       .      .

"Okay, Jiminsii. Hold the football like this. Your hand is going to-"

"Heyy rooting for you guys! We already know who we're voting for!" Two students exclaim, smiling at Jungkook and Jimin as they walk by.

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