You're The Idiot

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And Jimin didn't. He didn't give in.

Because the next day, every time Jungkook would even look his way, he'd look the other.

When Jungkook walked near, Jimin went the other way.

Where Jungkook was, Jimin was not.

This made Jungkook upset, furious even, because if he wanted to have a conversation with Jimin and tell the younger, he doesn't need to feel the same way, that they can still be okay, he couldn't.

Jimin just kept avoiding him, and Jungkook doesn't even try to call.

Who knows, he was probably blocked now.

In Gym class, Jimin didn't dress out or wait for Jungkook on the court, he stayed seated on the bleachers like he used to, and read.

Jungkook sighs, watching Jimin from a distance, and remembers exactly what Yoongi said last night when he called him to tell him it's all his fault...hey, stubborn Jungkook is going no where.

Yoongi said, "Give him some space, give him some time to really take everything in, because since you two can't communicate well, you don't know what he's going through OR how he's feeling...just wait, Jungkook."

And Jungkook knows that Yoongi is right, so he just looks the other way and continues to play with other people.

He just wants to get his mind off of it all as much as he can, but nothing seems to work.

He used to enjoy sports because they helped with getting his mind off of stressful things, but even while attending his practices here and there these past few weeks, all of his attention was on Jimin Park and this damn election, not football, he hardly ever mentioned it.

So it's no use.

Jungkook has felt dumb many, many many times.

But right now, he's never felt dumber.



Jungkook told his Mom, everything.

From the second they became friends and how, to catching feelings, to the arguments, the make ups, to the beginning of High school, the middle of it, and right now.


He told her he's currently giving Jimin some space, and that she should too. She fully agrees on this of course, since she backed away from asking Jimin all kinds of questions....

Jimin appreciated their silence and their space...but he felt bad.

Jimin has been feeling so, bad.

Here and there when Jungkook wasn't looking, Jimin would take that chance to watch him.

There's something about Jungkook that's really off, and different.

He'd laugh at a joke, but hardly.

Jimin noticed that Jungkook would try to smile at everyone smiling at him, but the second they'd walk away, the smile would fall.

He doesn't want to think that he has such an impact on Jungkook, because he doesn't, right?

I don't, I don't.

Well...don't want to admit it.

He doesn't think he should go for it.

After thinking about it without crying, he's realized now that maybe walking away from Jungkook instead of talking it out...might have been a huge mistake.

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