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Was. Was his son. Did he die? Was he missing?

Relaxing my arms, I sighed and stood in the middle of the hall. "Was your son... infected?"

Gerry pursed his lips. He looked left and right before passing his hands over his head. Then he smiled. "Don't worry about it," he said.

My brows shot up. How could I not worry? I ate a man! And a doctor came here talking about what was wrong with me without even looking at me!

This is bullshit.

"We're going to work on you and make sure you're feeling better," he added. "Mertz will be back tomorrow."


Gerry started to walk past me, but I didn't let him. I grabbed his arm and stopped him. "Why didn't he talk to me today? Why didn't he look at me?"

Gerry slowly blinked. "Because we already know what's wrong with you," he said, so easily, as if it was nothing. "So, I need you to stay here, relax, and hydrate."

He pulled out of my grasp, continuing down the hall without looking back at me. I wanted to stop him again but didn't. Because when I turned to follow, my gaze landed on the pictures on the wall; photos I hadn't noticed. I'd never been above Bundo's to see his apartment.

I think I know why.

I stepped closer to them, touching their brown frames. It was a teenager in the photo. He looked happy, and athletic, with some tattoos on his arms. That wasn't what made me keep looking.

It was his face, his eyes, and the striking similarities between him and me.

He looked like me.

Or I looked like him?

Was this why Gerry took a chance on my resume? And why he had gotten rid of the body I mutilated? Was he trying to replace the son he lost... with me?

I had too many questions. With Gerry, I knew I wouldn't get answers. This meant I couldn't stay inside as he'd asked.

My answers are out there.

And Riley had them.


I met Riley in high school. She was the cute cheerleader all the jocks wanted, but she chose me; Axel, the bad boy, the troublemaker, the criminal. None of that phased her. I don't even think it attracted her.

She saw through it all and saw me, always came to me, and when I said I loved her, she said needed me, craved me, and would always be by my side. She described me as her magnet; small enough that I didn't disrupt the world, but strong enough to pull her in.

I always took that as my greatest compliment received.

And hoped, that night, as I stood at Gerry's back window, that my pull would draw her in, have her wander into the alleys behind the shop, again.

The sounds of Gerry locking up Bundo's echoed behind me. There was someone at the window, arguing with him. This would normally be when I swooped in and reminded the customer, "Coffee ain't that serious."

But Gerry did, as politely as possible. "Hey, I closed five minutes ago. Get away from my door!"

I cringed as I tied the garbage bag. Gerry's customer service turned off the second the shop closed.

"I said move!" Gerry shouted.

I glanced at the front of the shop. The man at the door reminded me of the group from a few days ago; crazed, wide eyes, mouth agape.

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