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I held my breath as I jogged down the early morning streets toward the abandoned warehouses. The sun had only reached a low midpoint, not quite settling in the sky. Yet, I didn't need the light to guide my way. I knew these streets like the back of my hand.

I followed my memories, my past, as I cut through the alleys and back areas of old businesses. The days from my teenage years if cutting school early, meeting up with friends, or even bringing Riley along for an adventure. A lot of the time I didn't want her to come, but Riley had been adamant to stay at my side. She'd say, "I've got the credits to graduate, but you need a conscious. You need me by your side."

As the warehouse came into view, her words meant so much at that moment. I needed her. She was the voice in the back of my head that told me to stay or go, if it was fight or flight. Would she be happy that I took this chance and made a decision on my own? That, for once, I put others before myself?

Even though this choice was a little selfish.

Biting my lip, I slowed my jog as I looked up at the factory's broken windows. She was up there. She had to be. There was a light flickering in the shadows.

Rather than look for a rock, this time I chose my voice. She'd come if I called her. Or, at least, I hoped she would.


Hushed voices echoed. Something fell. Then something else crashed. I squinted as I tried to see movement from where I stood, but it was hard looking up.

Someone came to the window, but it wasn't her. It was Fiona. She lazily leaned against the window with her chin in her hands.

"Is this supposed to be some eighties zombie rom-com?" she asked, blinking fast. "Or are you just naturally reckless?"

I was. And maybe this could be a love story. But that necessarily wasn't my focus. "I just need to see Riley."


"I'm cured," I said.

Fiona's eyes widened with disbelief. She quietly muttered, "Shit," before disappearing into the shadows. Hopefully to get Riley. That's who I was here for.

Tracing my foot across the dirt and dead grass, I looked down at my shoe and thought of how to tell Riley what I did. And why I did it, Yes, I wanted to help ensure the safety and longevity of our world, but I also needed her. I wanted to hold her so bad; it'd been so long since I did,

To do it and not want to attack her... this is the dream I had for days.

"Axel?" Riley's voice echoed from above. Immediately, I looked up, smiling as I saw her face inching closer to the broken window.

I let out a sigh of relief. "Hey..."

She didn't look relieved to see me. Her brows pinched together with worry. She brushed the hair away from her face. They said I hadn't hurt her. I hope I didn't terrify her.

"Um," I patted my joggers, grinning nervously, "I took a new vaccine yesterday. The doctor says I'm virus free."

"Virus free?" Riley shook her head. "Axel, it's going to take more than one shot."

"I know, but—"

"You almost killed me, Axel." Even from where I was standing, I saw the emotion in her eyes. They reddened, rimmed by tears. I frowned as she continued, "If it hadn't been for the people who were with you, I'd be dead, Axel. You would've killed me the same way you did Jimmy."

Shit, Jimmy. I honestly had forgotten about him. I killed him, ate him, and had his flesh stuck in my teeth for a day. If I'd done that to Riley... I would've never forgiven myself. I wouldn't have gotten the shot. I would've remained as I was... infected and among the 'hyper living dead.'

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