18. The most normal day of all

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It's Thursday.

It's also, probably, the second last day of me walking around UA for the annual routine check-up. Even though UA High is pretty big and has a lot of terretory, everything is up to standard. I have maybe one entire page filled with notes, some good and some less good things. Compaired to the usual five full pages I have whenever I visit an agency, this mean that UA High is very up to standard at this point.

Thursday is also the day that went as normal as it should go. Yes, I got calls from the office, having different departments ask me different questions that don't have anything to do with me or my job, but I answered them anyways. Like I always do. I answered all the emails and texts that came in, trying my best to answer them all as politely and straight to the point as I could.
And besides answering questions, I just did my job. I walked around UA High, at times asked Nezu or one of the staffmembers a question and made notes. By now, I'm probably able to make my way to my husband's classroom from any point of the school.

Right now, I'm walking towards the medical center of the school. One of the last areas I haven't checked just yet. And it's for a good reason; I wanted to make sure I could spend a lot of time in there.

"Come in." A female voice says upon me knocking on the door. I've been here before, with the same woman that's on the other side of the door, smiling just as wide as I'm doing right now. 
I open the door, entering the room. The woman I came for is sitting behind her desk, but her back is turned towards me. She's looking out of the window, watching some students run around the fields. She looks so peacefull here, which tells me yet again that I made the right decision a few years ago.

"Hello, mrs Chiyo Shuzenji. Do you have a minute for me?" I ask the woman. She gasps, before turning her chair to look at me. I just smile at her and I get the biggest and sweetest smile back in return.

"Y/n." She says my name with so much happiness, it almost makes my heart melt. I allow her to stay seated in her chair, she looks comfy after all, and walk up to her. We shake hands. "You look so good, my dear. Those years at the HC haven't caused a single wrinkel yet on your beautiful face." She tells me and I can't help but blush at her compliments.

"You look great yourself." I tell her, before grabbing a chair and moving it a bit. This isn't a formal event anymore, I'm here purely because I want to spend some time with this woman. "You don't mind me staying here for a while, do you?" I ask her, causing her to laugh and grab my hand.

"Of course not, dear." She says, squeezing in my hand a little. Not in a painful way, just in that typical grandma way. "You're always welcome, you know that." She adds, making me yet again smile at her. "I've read the news yesterday. Very brave of the both of you, I must admit." She says, reminding me of the fact my marriage with Shota Aizawa isn't a secret anymore.

"Shota was frustrated with my boss and decided the entire world should know I'm his." I explain to her and she smiles. This woman loves any type of drama and gossip, that's why she works at a school as the nurse. And it's because of me that she's here and not home. "The students know as well. They had a lot of questions, but Shota answered them all honestly." I add, making her chuckle softly.

"I've always known that Shota had a soft spot for you. You can see that in the way he looks at you. He looks at you with love, Y/n. True love." She tells me, holding onto my hand a little tighter. "Don't lose it. True love is rare these days." She says, but it's more of an order than a wish.

"I won't." I promise her. She turns her body slightly, now looking out of the window again. And I follow her lead. We are watching some students chase each other across the fields. 
It's silent between us, but it's not an awkward silence. It's a well known silence we've spent countless minutes in together. This isn't my first visit to the UA Medical Center and hopefully, it won't be my last any time soon. 

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