33. The Hero Community

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"But honestly, if I can't have you, neither should he."

It's monday morning, the next day. Shota's alarm just went off, but neither of us slept last night. Not after what happend yesterday. Hearing my boss say those things really hurt me and caused me to doubt everything he's told me over the years.
Hell, it made me start doubting my own co-workers.
Shota held me all night, comforted me whenever my thoughts spiraled out of controll yet again, hating that that man has such effect on me. It's a known fact that I'm good at my job, but still I doubted myself. What if it was all a lie?

After my psycho boss was taken away to god knows where, agent Enjanto apologized for what happend and asked us about the documents. I gave him the real documents, but I couldn't get myself to speak much. Shota did most of the talking, because he saw that I wasn't in the right mental state to do so. He made sure not to let go of me, either holding my hand or resting his hand on my knee, he always made sure to have some sort of physical contact with me.

But that was not the only thing Shota did for me yesterday night. No, remember when I noticed he moved his hand into his pocket while the psycho of a man infront of us was flipping out? Shota secretly recorded whatever the psycho said after that. He sent it to Mic, who aired it on his podcast yesterday, which has over five million listeners every time. 

Shota and I got out of bed and did our usual morning routine. He helped me getting dressed and did my hair. I made us both a cup of coffee while he fet our cat. But it didn't feel right to me. I've always taken care of Shota and now he has to take care of me. I know it's stupid to feel bad about that, but I feel like a burden to him. He already has his students to worry about and Mic, I shouldn't be on that list as well. Shota's tired, the dark circles underneath his eyes are evidence enough of that.
I can take care of the both of us, or at least I want to.

"What's wrong?" Shota's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look at him, holding my morning cup of coffee in both my hands, using the warmth of the coffee to warm my otherwise cold hands. "You were spacing out." He adds and I can only feel like a burden...

"It's nothing..." I tell him, but it's a lie. My tone of voice is that obvious, I can't even try and deny that it's a lie, because he knows it is. Shota looks at me, I can feel it, but I don't look at him. 

"You know I love you, right?" He asks me, which causes me to frown and finally look at him. His black eyes are staring at me and upon making eye contact, he continues to speak. "Because I do, I do love you. And just know that you're not a burden to me. I love to take care of you, even though it's because of something we can't change." He says, almost as if he read my mind. Or maybe he has been stuck with me for over a decade. The best decade ever, I must add.

I let out a sigh and lower my head a little, not wanting to hurt myself. Shota takes a hold of my mug and places it on the kitchen counter, before putting his own mug right next to mine. Looking at our mugs, I can't help but smile a little. 
At our wedding, Mic gave us matching coffee mugs, since we both enjoy a cup of coffee in the early hours of the day. Both mugs are black, but Shota's says 'her mister' and mine says 'his mistress'.  But it wouldn't be a gift from Mic if that was all. No, Shota's mug has a silhouette of a whip and a magic wand, where as mine has a silhouette of anal beads and a blind fold. Yes, this was after Mic told us he thought I was into anal... But for some reason, Shota and I can't not drink out of those mugs every morning.

Shota stands infront of me, looking down at me. Not because he thinks he's better than I am, but because this man is fucking tall. He wraps his arms around me, knowing I need a hug. One of his hands moves to the back of my head, using it to hold my head against his chest, while he uses his other hand to pull me closer against him. He's warm and solid against me and it helps me calm down. I let out a sigh.

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