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Love's eyes snap open as she hears confused voices overlap eachother around the room. She groans and groggily sits up, only to pause when she sees the faces of her past and present all look towards her.

"Love?" A vaguely familiar voice rang in her ears, and she looks up to make eye contact with the boy she used to know. "Is that actually you?"

"It is you! Oh my Godric, Love where have you been we were worried sick?!" Hermione questioned in excitement, bouncing over to the girl and pulling her into an embrace.

Love was met with even more questioning from those around, all of them wondering the same thing, where had she been this whole time?

"I think what we should really be asking is, where the bloody hell are we?" The redhead beside Harry interrupted the reunion. His shout caused another burst of questioning around the room. Now everyone was truly panicking, holding onto their friends for comfort and pacing around the room to try and find ways out. Some pulled out their wands but found that wherever they were stopped then from using their magic.

It was chaos.

"I think we should all just calm down and think about this with level heads." Hotch's tone and natural authority made everyone become silent in an instant and caused Love to jump up and practically run towards her teammates to escape the curious stares and any more questions that her old friends could throw at her.

Morgan chuckled as he wrapped his arm protectively around the brunette, Garcia not hesitating to wander towards them and rub the younger girl comfortingly on the back with a small smile of her own.

Love sighed and leaned into the comfort provided by two of her best friends thanking them in a hushed whisper. Hotch continued to speak to the room followed by Hermione, who managed to talk the magical folk out of doing anything stupid and potentially dangerous.

The profilers in the room studied their surroundings, taking note of the leather reclining chairs and the huge screen in front of them. It was quite obviously a rather large theatre room with only two doors, which lead to one bathroom for the men and another for the women.

"Love we all thought you were dead!" were the words that pulled the girl out of her own thoughts. She looked around her to see the curious glances from the BAU and the confused stares of the wizarding world.

"I thought it was common sense that someone's alive unless you see a body." She narrowed her eyes, her body gravitating towards Spencer's as she grew uncomfortable from all the attention. Her words caused the geniuses lips to lift into a small smirk as he allowed Love to lean her back against him.

The small interaction between the two lovers was put on hold as the screen came to life. Shown on the screen was a young girl, who was slightly bouncing in her seat and wringing her hands together. Just from looking at her the team instantly knew who she could be. She was the perfect mix of Spencer and Love.

"Hi everyone. I'm Ayanna Reid and I've brought you all here to watch the future, well technically the past but for you it's the future, some of it is a bit of the past in like flashbacks and stuff but most of it is the future so yeah. Sorry I don't really know how to explain it but basically your going to be watching whatever is on this screen and it will hopefully help you change the future and to put it simply, save my mother from her horrific fate. Anyway hope you have fun bye."

The girl disappeared from the screen leaving the occupants of the room even more confused than they already were.

"What was she even going on about?" Blaise whispered rather loudly to his friends causing a few chuckles to erupt around him.

"Pretty sure she said her last name was Reid. What have you been up to pretty boy?" Morgan smirked over at the young genius. The team chuckled at the bewildered look on Spencer's face and the sight of Love suggestively wiggling her eyebrows at him.

"So we're watching the future then?" George muttered, looking incredulously at the unbothered looks on everyone's faces. "Like the actual future?"

His words caused everyone to actually think about the situation and they became nervous themselves. Questions swarmed their heads. What happens that is so bad it needs to be prevented? Voldemort is already gone for good, what could be possibly worse than him?

"Maybe we should all introduce ourselves before we begin." Emily presented the idea to the group, despite her and the rest of them teams confusion she could tell that Love was anxious around the other people in the room and wanted her to feel as safe as possible. Love was the baby of the group, being a year younger than Spencer, and they all felt the need to protect the young girl.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." He smiled awkwardly at the unfamiliar people. The rest of the room was surprised by the lack of reaction from the FBI team, usually the name at least sparked some familiarity with him being the saviour of the wizarding world.

The rest of the introductions were uneventful and everyone sat comfortably in their seats, ready to start watching the events unfold on the screen.

The lights dimmed and the screen lit up the room making the occupants stare at it intently.

A fifteen year old Love was shown on the screen.

The child trembled and looked up towards something none of the viewers could see. A tear rolled down the side of her face.

"What the hell is this?" Morgan looked around and noticed the surprised looks on everyone's faces except Love's.

Said girl inhaled sharply and cursed under breath.

Everything was going to come to light.

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