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The living room looked the same as it usually did. The family photos hung on the walls, the fireplace crackled with life. However, the curtains were tightly drawn closed and blood dripped from the photo frames and stained the walls.

"Oh no." Love whispered to herself, tensing at the sight of her childhood home. Her voice only reached the ears of those sat next to her, causing Emily and Spencer to look at the girl with worry swirling in their eyes.

"Hey are you okay?" Spencer leaned down to whisper in her ear, making sure that only she could hear him. He only received a nod and a tight lipped smile from the woman he loved. He grabbed her hand and traced soothing patterns along the back of it.

The Diggory family sat huddled together in the middle of the room. The mother holding her daughter tightly to her chest, already stricken by grief at the loss of her son and unwilling to let her daughter meet the same fate.

"Is this...." Hermione's words were lost in the wind as she took a deep breathe of air at the sight of her school friend curling into her mothers embrace.

"What's happening?" Morgan's panicked tone made Love's heart warm. The man saw her as his family and he would always protect those he loved.

Amos Diggory attempted to plead with the deatheaters, apologising profusely for all the trouble he had caused them and trying to talk his family out of the situation. The people in masks simply laughed at his feeble attempts, taunting him.

Love Diggory was silent, she found no comfort in her mothers arms. Tears dripped from her lashes as she cried without a sound. She tried to soothe her mother, rubbing her back being the only thing she could think to do in the situation they had found themselves in.

"Our Love, always the level headed one." JJ tried to make light of the situation, if only to make herself feel better.
Love appreciated her friends effort giving a slight giggle as she replied, "If I don't then who will?" with a teasing smirk.

The small interaction caused her family to feel more at ease, Love was with them right now and she was fine. This was years ago, they had nothing to worry about.

It hadn't been long since the deatheaters had forced their way into their home but it felt as though days had passed. Both parents had already been through a private torture session. First it had been Amos, he was dragged into the connecting room and all Love and her mother could hear were his screams and cries for help. Then it had been her mother, Amos was brought back into the room, barely being able to hold his head up and was then replaced by his wife. She didn't make as much noise as her husband did, she didn't want to scare or worry her daughter but when she was dragged back into the room she was as white as snow and shaking from head to toe.

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