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Love always knew that this job, this life that she had chosen for herself, would never be easier. But as she watched innocent woman be shoved out of the room, and agents be shot on sight, she'd never regretted her life more. Before, she'd only watch these situations in movies or read about them in the papers. Now she was living it.

"All righty, I think that's all of them boss!" A younger man with hair that reached his collarbone chirped with a beaming smile on his face. Love felt Carl's stance shift and the gun, which was still pressed against the back of her head, shifted.

Love held the eyes of the younger man until he looked away uncomfortably. "What are you gonna do with her,sir?"

"Of course you'd be the one to intimidate one of the unsubs." Emily shook her head with a slight chuckle.

"Hey what can I say it just comes naturally."

"I'm not quite sure yet, kid. Maybe I should take her home with me, carry on my family name. Or I could let you all have a go with her before I put her out of her misery. Either way she's gonna regret ever crossing me." Carl spoke the words as if it was a fairytale, a magical story that one would tell a child before sending them to bed.

Everyone was terrified for the girl they had no idea how this was going to play out, other than the fact that she would come out of it alive.

Love felt helpless.

Her head was still spinning from the pain of the brand, her body once again feeling the full force of its effects now that the adrenaline had left her system. She thought of her life so far. The team she had grown to love, who she hadn't seen in months.

"Nice to know you think about me sweet cheeks." Derek teased .

She wondered what they were doing right now. Maybe they were on a case, or at the bar having another work party. They could even be at home: Hotch spending family time with Jack and Haley,

Love saw Hotch frown at the thought of Haley and threw a pillow at his head to pull him out of his guilt ridden thoughts. It seemed to work as she caught the glimpse of a smile on his face before he returned to his brooding facade.

Gideon watching the birds from his cabin,

Spencer frowned at the memory of his father figure causing Love to grip his hand and pull it towards her lips. Her lipstick stained the back of his hand, marking him as hers and only hers.

Elle and Derek going out to a club together,

The team smiled sadly at Elle's name.

"Is that all you think I do, party all the time?" Derek faked offence at her assumption.

"Yes. Yes I do. Deal with it."

Penelope playing one of her online games,

"They're always more fun when I play with you, Valentine." Penelope sent Love a cheeky smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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