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One night after school Alexis soon arrives at the Parr household and knocks on the door as Dash opens it.

"Hey Dash." Alexis says happily.

"Hey Alexis. Glad you came." Dash says as he smiles.

"Wouldn't miss a sleep over with my best friend." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Come on. My mom set you a plate on the table." Dash says as Alexis walks inside.

"Thank you Mrs. Parr." Alexis says kindly as she sits at the table with Dash.

"Oh you're welcome dear." Helen says as she is making faces while feeding Jack-Jack.

"Mom. You're making weird faces again." Dash says as he looks at Helen.

"Mmm... No I'm not." Helen says as she keeps making faces while feeding Jack-Jack.

"You make weird faces honey." Bob says as he is looking at a newspaper.

"Do you have to read at the table?" Helen asks while Dash growls trying to eat his steak.

"Thanks Alexis." Dash says as Alexis cuts his steak for him.

"Not a problem." Alexis says as she smiles before eating her own steak.

"Dash you have something you wanna tell your father about school?" Helen asks.

"Well we dissected a frog." Dash says nervously as Alexis shakes her head at his attempt to not say why he was in trouble.

"Dash got sent to the office again." Helen says.

"Good. Good." Bob says as he isn't paying attention.

"No Bob that's bad." Helen says.

"What?" Bob asks as he looks up from his paper before cutting his steak.

"Dash got sent to the office again." Helen says annoyedly.

"What?! What for?" Bob asks angrily.

"Nothing." Dash says annoyedly.

"He put a tack on the teacher's chair...during class." Helen says as she looks at Bob.

"Nobody saw me. You could barely see it on the tape." Dash says grumpily.

"They caught you on tape and you still got away with it? Whoa! You must have been booking. How fast did you think were you going?" Bob asks happily as he keeps cutting the steak.

"Bob! We are not encouraging this." Helen says before Bob damages the table and breaks the plate break due to his strength.

"Great. First the car and now I gotta pay to fix the table..." Bob says annoyedly.

"The car?" Alexis asks curiously.

"What happened to the car?" Helen asks.

"Here. I'm getting a new plate." Bob says as he hands Dash his plate before leaving the room.

"So how about you Vi? How was school?" Helen asks as she is eating.

"Nothing to report." Violet says sadly.

"You've hardly touched your food." Helen says as she sees Violet has barely ate anything.

"I'm not hungry for meatloaf." Violet says.

"Well, it is leftover night. We have steak, pasta. What are you hungry for?" Helen asks.

"Tony Rydinger." Dash says.

"Shut up!" Violet says angrily as she looks at Dash.

"Come on Dash." Alexis says as she looks at Dash.

"Well you are." Dash says teasingly.

"I said shut up you little insect!" Violet says angrily.

"Well she is." Dash says.

"Do not shout at the table. Honey!" Helen shouts.

"Kids! Listen to your mother." Bob says from the other room as the group goes back to eating.

"She'd eat if we were having Tony loaf." Dash says as he takes a drink from his cup.

"That's it!" Violet shouts as she lunges at Dash before the two begin fighting as Alexis and Helen try to get them to stop.

"For Pete's sake stop you two!" Alexis shouts annoyedly.

"Bob! It's time to engage! Do something! Don't just stand there! I need you to... intervene!" Helen shouts as Bob comes into the room.

"You want me to intervene? Okay! I'm intervening. I'm intervening!" Bob says as he picks the table and group up before the doorbell rings and the group quickly go back to being calm. Dash then answers the door as Lucius comes into the room.

"Hey Speedo! Hey Helen. Vi, Wolfy, Jack-Jack." Lucius says as he comes over.

"He-hey! Ice of you to drop by." Bob says happily.

"Ha! Never heard that one before." Lucius says as he laughs.

"Oh Lucius!" Dash shouts as he spits water at Lucius.

"Whoa! Ha Ha!" Lucius says as he freezes the water and catches it.

"Nice catch." Alexis says.

"Aw... I like it when it shatters." Dash says disappointly.

"I'll be back later." Bob says as he gets up from the table and gets his coat.

"Hey where are you two going?" Helen asks as she looks at Bob.

"It's Wednesday." Bob says as he goes over to the door with Lucius.

"Right. Bowling night. Say hello to Honey for me Lucius." Helen says as she looks at Lucius.

"Will do love. Good night Helen. Good night kids." Lucius says as he leaves with Bob before Helen looks at Dash as he smiles.

"Don't think you've avoided talking about your trip to the principal's office young man. Your father and I are still gonna discuss it." Helen says sternly.

"I'm not the only kid who's been sent to the office you know." Dash says annoyedly as Alexis goes to say something before stopping.

"Other kids don't have superpowers. Now it's perfectly normal..." Helen then gets cut off by Violet.

"Normal? What do you know about normal?! What does anyone in this family know about normal?" Violet asks angrily.

"Now wait a minute young lady." Helen says as she looks at Violet.

"We act normal mom! I wanna be normal! The only normal one is Jack-Jack! And he's not even toilet trained!" Violet shouts as Jack-Jack laughs before she storms off.

"Lucky... Oh I meant about being normal." Dash says as Helen looks at him angrily as Alexis just stays quiet.

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