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"Ow!" Violet says in pain as she, Alexis, and Dash are hiding on the plane where Helen is before Helen throws her bag onto Violet.

"Violet?!" Helen asks in alarm.

"It's not my fault! Dash ran away and I knew I'd get blamed for it-" Violet then gets cut off by Dash.

"That's not true!" Dash shouts as he comes out of his hiding spot.

"Dash?!" Helen asks.

"Hi Mrs. Parr." Alexis says as she comes out of her hiding spot.

"Alexis?!" Helen asks.

"And I thought he'd try to sneak on the plane so Alexis and I came here and you closed the doors before we could find him and then you took off and it's not my fault!" Violet shouts.

"You said something's up with Mom. We have to find out what! It was your idea! Your idea! Hundred percent all-yours. All-the-time idea!" Dash shouts.

"Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You left Jack-Jack alone?!" Helen asks in alarm.

"Yes mom I'm completely stupid... Of course we got a sitter! Do you think I'm totally irresponsible? Thanks a lot!" Violet says sarcastically.

"No we got someone Mom. Someone great. We wouldn't do that." Dash says.

"It's okay Mrs. Parr. He's fine." Alexis says.

"All right! Well who'd you get?" Helen asks.


"India Golf Niner-Niner transmitting in the blind guard. Disengage! Repeat disengage!" Helen say as she gets off the phone with Kari and looks at the radar seeing missiles headed toward the plane causing Alexis, Dash, and Violet to buckle up in seats.

"Friendlies at two-zero miles south-southwest of your position. Angels 10. Track east. Disengage! Vi! You have to put a force field around the plane!" Helen shouts as she tries to reach someone through a communicator while trying to lose the missiles.

"But you said we weren't supposed to use our powers!" Violet shouts worriedly.

"I know what I said! Listen to what I'm saying now! Disengage. Repeat Disengage!" Helen shouts.

"Mom..?" Dash asks as he sees missiles out the window.

"Mrs. Parr!" Alexis shouts in alarm.

"Violet! Mayday. Mayday! India Golf niner-niner is buddy-spiked! Abort! Abort! There are children aboard. There are children aboard! Put a field around us now!" Helen shouts.

"But Mom I've never done one that big before!" Violet shouts worriedly.

"Violet do it now!" Helen shouts as Violet tries to make a force field but is only able to make a small one before Helen wraps herself around the kids and gets the group out of the plane as it explodes as they fall toward the ocean.

"Everybody calm down. Now I'll tell you what we're not gonna do. We're not gonna panic. We're not gonna- Look out!" Helen shouts as the group fall in the water and avoid falling debris.

"Oh my gosh! Who's idea was this anyway?!" Dash shouts.

"What do we do?" Violet asks.

"We're dead! We're dead!" Dash shouts.

"It blew up!" Alexis says in alarm.

"Stop it! We are not gonna die! Now all of you will get a grip! Or so help me I will ground you for a month! Understand?! Those were short-range missiles. Land-based. That way is our best bet." Helen says causing Alexis, Dash, and Violet to shut up.

"You want to go toward the people that tried to kill us?" Dash asks.

"If it means land yes." Helen says bluntly.

"But how are we going to get there?" Alexis asks.

"Do you expect us to swim there?" Violet asks.

"I expect you... to trust me." Helen says as she stretches into a makeshift raft for the kids to get into as they head to land.

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