Saving the City

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"Are we there yet?" Dash asks as he group is sitting in an RV while it is being flown by the rocket.

"We get there when we get there! How you doing honey?!" Bob asks as he opens the door.

"Do I have to answer?!" Helen shouts as she is outside the rocket.

"Kids strap yourselves down like I told you! Here we go honey! Ready Violet? Ready? Now!" Bob shouts as Violet then presses a button before the group lands roughly on an highway.

"The robot's in the financial district. Which exit do I take?" Bob asks as Helen gets in the vehicle.

"Traction Avenue." Helen says as she and Bob bicker about what route to take before taking a rough last minute turn and coming to a rough stop as Violet screams.

"Is everybody okay back there?" Bob asks as he and Helen look at the kids.

"Super-duper Dad!" Violet says as she laughs slightly.

"Let's do that again." Dash says happily.

"Not again. Please not again." Alexis says as she releases the arm chair of her seat.

"Wait here and stay hidden. I'm going in." Bob says as he gets out of the vehicle with Helen right behind him as she stops him away from the vehicle.

"That's actually pretty sweet she refuses to let him do it alone." Alexis says as she, Dash, and Violet watch Mr. and Mrs. Parr.

"Well they are married." Violet says as she smiles.

"You like that mushy stuff?" Dash asks slightly grossed out.

"Maybe. Why?" Alexis asks curiously as she smiles at Dash causing him to blush slightly.

"Uh no reason. Do you like it for some reason?" Dash asks nervously causing Alexis to blush slightly.

"Maybe.." Alexis says shyly before Violet screams as the robot nearly crushes them causing the group to run only for Violet to protect herself, Alexis, and Dash from the robot in a forcefield.

"Violet?" Dash asks as he and Alexis see Violet motionless on the ground before Alexis looks at her.

"She's okay just unconscious." Alexis says as she and Dash scream seeing the robot is gonna try to crush them again.

"Dad!" Dash shouts as he sees Bob trying to keep the robot off them.

"Go, go!" Bob shouts as Alexis grabs Dash and Violet before running over to Helen.

"I'm okay mom. Really." Violet says as she comes to.

"Stay here okay?" Helen says as she runs off to join Bob in fighting the robot as Lucius arrives while Alexis, Dash, and Violet stay out of sight while watching the fight.

"The remote controls the robot!" Violet shouts as she sees Bob managing to somewhat control the robot with a remote he found.

"Hey dad! Throw it! Throw it!" Dash shouts as he gets his dad's attention.

"Go long!" Bob shouts as he throws the robot before Dash runs after it with the robot firing at him.

"Hey! Pick on someone your own size! Uh-oh. Ah!" Alexis shouts as shifts to wolf form and freezes the robot's laser with ice only for it to glow red causing her to quickly jump away out of the line of fire. Alexis then runs over to Violet as the others are trying to keep the robot away from the remote as Alexis and Violet find it.

"Mom I've got it! I've got the remote!" Violet says as she and Alexis bring the remote over to Helen, Lucius, and Dash.

"A remote? A remote that controls what? The robot?!" Lucius asks as he sees Violet launch the robot into a building.

"It's coming back!" Dash shouts as he takes the remote and presses a button only for nothing to happen.

"That wasn't right." Alexis says.

"Give me that!" Violet shouts as she takes the remote.

"It's getting closer!" Dash shouts as the robot begins to come back towards them.

"It doesn't work!" Violet shouts.

"Hurry!" Alexis shouts as Helen takes the remote.

"It's not doing anything!" Lucius shouts.

"Lucius try to buy us some time!" Helen shouts as Lucius runs off to give them some time.

"Honey! Press that button again! No the other one! The first one!" Bob shouts as Helen presses buttons.

"First button! Got it!" Helen shouts.

"It's getting closer!" Dash shouts as the robot gets closer.

"Get out of here kids! Find a safe spot!" Helen shouts.

"We're not going anywhere!" Violet shouts as the kids stay put.

"Press the button!" Bob shouts.

"Not yet!" Helen shouts.

"What are you waiting for!?" Bob shouts.

"A closer target! You got one shot!" Helen shouts before pressing the button.

"Everybody duck!" Bob shouts as he releases a part of the robot before it goes penetrates the robot and goes completely through it causing the robot to completely stop.

"We did it." Alexis says happily.

"Yeah!" Dash shouts as Alexis hugs him as he hugs her back before the two quickly separate while laughing nervously.

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