Tournament of Power 2/2

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"Universe 6.. to think they'd be taken out by a couple of Children is.. disturbing and amazing." Says Kibito Kai.

"Looks like the competition is down, now we can finally execute our plan." Says a voice from the darkness, as they walk out and appear as three women.

"It's about time that Universe 2 gets to action. With all 10 members still alive, no other universe stands a chance! Ribrianne, execute the plan now!" Says the God of Destruction of universe 2.

The three women then transform into more alien like figures, their power also significantly increases. "Hey! You sense that Master Roshi? There's a power- they're almost untouched! And powerful.. we have got to deal with them now or they could be a big problem later!" Tien says.

"You're right, let's go-" Roshi then stops as suddenly in front of them, one of the women is teleported to him and they immediately begin to attack Roshi. The women uses claws to attack Roshi, as Roshi takes multiple cuts to his arms from the attack.

Tien is hit with a ball of ki by another member of universe 2. Tien takes steps back, as he looks on the warriors. "We can't take them on Roshi! They just outnumber us by one! But I believe we can!" Tien says.

"Ribrianne! Ribrianne!" Screams the third warrior, she is fat and wearing a pink dress with blue skin.

"Your attack patters are.. flawed!" Roshi says, as he kicks the women that was clawing at him, kicking her off the arena.

"Jimizu!" Yells the fat women, and then a person that seems to be a yarjrat appears, teleporting the women that was kicked off the arena back to the arena.

"Hey? Is that a Yarjrat? I thought they were only on our universe." Tien says.

"Do you know our kind and their powers, this puts me at a disadvantage. But even so you cannot win against Ribrianne and her team!" Says the Yarjrat alien.

"You.. I sense you're filled with- a strange kind of love. Lust, is it?" Says the fat women.

"Hey! Who are you to look into what I love!" Roshi says.

"I am Ribrianne! The leader of universe 2! This is Jimizu, the Yarjrat. Here's Roasie the one who attacked your friend. And here's Kakunsa who clawed at you. Now tell us who you are." Says Ribrianne.

"I am Roshi, this here is my friend Tien, we're humans from universe 7. We mena no evil, only to save our universe." Roshi says.

"Then so be it, you have to lose!" Ribrianne curls up into a ball and charges at Tien. Tien dodges, but Ribrianne comes back on Tien and hits him, having him left on the edge of the ring.

"I'll finish this one." Says Jimizu, the Yarjrat, as he aims down towards Tien.

"Tien! Don't get knocked out!" Killing yells out.

But then, Jimizu is completely cut off from the arena, as he falls off, having Jimizu knocked out the arena and seemingly Tien as well. "Sacrificed half my power for that guy.. I knew he would be trouble." Says Tien.

"Jimizu! How could you give him a chance to pull that off onto you?" Says God fo Destruction of universe 2.

"Jimizu- you got him out! You will pay for that.. DESPERATELY!" Kakunsa says, charging at Tien and clawing at him, almost knocking him off the arena.

"I'm coming!" Roshi calls out, going to help Tien, but he is rolled over by Ribrianne in her ball form.

"The pain- it doesn't matter! I'll take you out now matter what!" Tien says, and he leaps into the air, putting his hands into a triangle formation. "TRI BEAM CANNON!" He yells, firing a tri beam at Kakunsa. Kakunsa looks up, with a almost terrified look on her face. However, last second she moves out the way. "TRI BEAM!" Tien yells out again, firing off at Kakunsa, and she dodges out the way. Tien proceeded to fire off at Kakunsa multiple Tri Beam cannons, making her dodge around.

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