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Mizuki didn't say anything. Just eyes wide and jaw dropped. "Wait, I don't get it?" "Ehehe.." Mizuki snapped back to normal, why was Ena laughing? "AHAHAHAA, You actually thought I liked you? A disgusting freak? In your dreams, idiot." Oh. Mizuki was such an idiot. They actually believed that Ena actually liked them. Mizuki was so stupid for thinking that. "Just run away and never come back." Ena scoffed. "SHUT UP!" They ran away.

"Can you move that meeting to next week? My older sister is visiting this week." "That wouldn't be a problem! I'll go print a new schedule for you, Mizuki." They waved goodbye as they walked out of the room. It had been a year after Mizuki graduated from a fashion school, working as a famous fashion designer. Everything in their life seemed to be going good. They kind of forgot about their highschool things but still thought about someone, they couldn't remember her but she remained stuck in their memories. They walked out of their work building and walked to the park. They honestly were craving for ice cream for the whole day.

"Can I get a strawberry ice cream please?" "Alright, thats just one dollar." Mizuki took out their wallet and gave the ice cream dude the money. "Heres the ice cream, have a good day." "You too!" They grinned at the guy. They walked away and hesitated when they heard a voice in the distance call their name. Ena? No. No, No, NO. NOT ENA. Please not Ena. They couldn't experience this again. "Mizuki! Hey how are you doing?" Ena caught up to them. They wanted to run, just like they did in highschool

"Soo, I heard you were a fashion designer. How's that goin'?" "Good.." They sounded completely different, not at all energetic. "Look I'll just get straight to the point, I'm really so-" Mizuki just got up from their seat and ran. They didn't want to speak to Ena not after what she did. They didn't even want to see Ena ever again. "Mizuki?!" Not again.

{oh my days it's done this is it for this damn series}

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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and the worst part is, they did it infront of herWhere stories live. Discover now