Lost Cause

3 0 0

Night 3

Non existent
Something I wished to be, to feel
That feeling you get when depression hits you hard you don't wanna exist anymore
Its not that you want to die
Its simply the wish that you never existed at all
But you do, you're here, you were born, you have a life
A life that you're not living
One you're wasting away with every breath you take
And every thought untold
Every decision waiting to be made
One of those can change your life forever
But you would never know
You would never know,
Cause you won't try hard enough, you won't fight for yourself
You won't even try
You're a lost cause
You need help
But alas who could help someone that doesn't want to be helped

A little dark this time but oh well...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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