Part 2

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The blonde boy called out from a distance. This  made Y/n giggle as she walked towards them, seeing the dark brown haired boy finally caught up to the two.

As Y/n got closer, to the three the dark brown haired boy held his hand out to the blonde one.

"Now that I've actually caught you.. Give me back my pickaxe Tommy."

The dark brown haired boy said annoyed.

'So the blonde boys name is.. Tommy? That's a cool name, I guess.'

Y/n thought as she, also finally caught up to them. The blonde boy took his friends kind offer, and stood up to his feet with the help of his hand.

"Yeah, yeah whatever tubs. You can have your stupid pickaxe back."

The blonde boy said chuckling.

"Mind explaining what just happend?"

Ranboo said breaking their 'happy moment'

"Oh, well I was going to do mining before Tommy barged into my house and stole my pickaxe. Then he made a run for it and I tried to catch him. Thanks for helping me though, Ranboo!"

The dark brown haired boy said smiling. The two boys then took their gaze, to the beautiful but quite short girl, behind them.

"And you are??"

The dark brown haired boy said confused.

"Hi! My name is Y/n. I was going to say 'Hello!' Before until uhm.. you pushed me.."

She said as she pointed at Tommy. He scoffed before going into self defence immediately.

"You were in, the way woman. I had to move you some how."

He said crossing his arms. His dark brown haired friend looked at him.

"Tommy! Don't be so rude. She's probably new!"

The dark brown haired boy said annoyed at this friend. He turned back to Y/n and held out his hand.

"I'm Tubbo! And that's Tommy. Sorry for his childish behaviour.."

The dark brown haired boy said smiling. Y/n smiled as she too, returned the handshake again. This seemed to have made Ranboo jealous again, as he stared down at their two hands touching.

"As I was saying, I was going to go mining! Do you wanna come with me?"

Tubbo said cheerfully. As their hands parted.

"Sorry, Tubbo but I'm first showing Y/n around in case Wilbur decides she can stay here."

Ranboo said cutting in before Y/n could speak.

"Wait, you brought this woman in here, without Wilbur's permission?! Do you know how angry he'd be if he found out?!"

Tommy yelled looking up at Ranboo.

"I already know, Tommy."

Another deep voice called out from behind them. They all turned in Ranboo's direction behind him seeing another tall person. From what Y/n saw, she saw he had a big brown long coat, a dark red beanie, long black jeans with big brown boots. He also, had dark brown chocolate eyes, with fluffy dark brown hair under his beanie.


"O-Oh! Hey Wilbur!"

Tommy said just as nervous as Y/n or any of the others. The tall man walked toward the four as they stood there not really knowing what to do, or say. He walked past the three boys and up to Y/n leaning down examining her features carefully.

I want you to be mine. (Yandere Ranboo X Fem Reader) COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now