Part 6

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They soon went back down into the house, and Ranboo finally cleaned himself up with a towel.

Even, though Y/n knew she could run away from Ranboo as he was in the bathroom cleaning the blood off him only using a towel, since he hated water. She kind of didn't want to leave him, now.. she felt... attracted to him. When he finally came out making sure he got everyone's single drop of the blood off him, he raced out making sure his little human was still here. After he didn't see her on the couch where she was originally sitting when he left her alone, he started to over think, before he felt two arms jump up and grip onto his back, lifting themselves onto his back like a piggy-back ride. As he was about to go in defensive, mode he swung himself around only to see a bit of hair flow around, with the swing realising who it was by her giggling.

"Your so clueless."

Y/n said chuckling. Ranboo chuckled as well as he pretended to fall backwards, making her grip onto him even tighter.

"WHOA! Okay, chill!"

She said regretting her words from before. He chuckled.

"Whose, clueless now~?"

He teased.

"How was I supposed to know you were gonna do that?"

She said immediately going to defend herself.

"Exactly. So how was I supposed to know you were gonna jump onto my back?"

He continued smiling, before she replied she opened her mouth but no words were said. She then thought for a moment re-thinking everything.

"Huh.. I guess you have a point then."

She said giving in. She got off his back, and he immediately turned to her and tackled her onto the couch playfully.

"Thats not fairr!! Your stronger than meeee!"

She said like a child.

"And taller."

He said adding to his strength.

"Your just short."

He continued smiling down at her.

"Uhm.. I am not short! Your just born  a giraffe."

She said smiling thinking she had won. As Ranboo playfully grabbed his chest where his heart was, with his mouth open acting offended. Y/n chuckled and jumped into his arms, cuddling close to into her tall endermen. She laid on top of him as he laid on the couch, his arms around her waste with her hands on top of his, his tail swinging from side-to-side at the bottom of the couch. She always wondered what it was like to have a tail. She pictured herself as an endermen or any other animal in her mind.

'Would I be a furry, if I were a mob..?'

She thought very confused.

'Shes, so cute.. I think she's actually starting to love me back! My plan is working.. she'll finally love me just as I love her..'

Ranboo thought staring down at her. Later on in the day, they both fell asleep on the couch with Y/n still on top of Ranboo with her face buried, into his chest feeling safe and comfortable. He still had his hands around her keeping her close to him so he knew, she was still there next to him.

~In Y/n's Dream~

She woke, up but this time in Ranboo's 'happy spare house'. She looked around, not seeing Ranboo in sight. Despite, everything he's done.. she still cared for him and maybe even.. loved him.

I want you to be mine. (Yandere Ranboo X Fem Reader) COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now