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As the dragons were escorted back through the castle, Embryo could feel the tension in every talon beat upon the castle floor. The Queen walked ahead of them silent, her face revealing no expression but the determination to follow through with what she was about to do.

As they walked, Summit fell in besides Em, he saw the clawmarks on her face and winced. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to... I'm sorry I made you..." He stopped, how could he ever dare to hope anything Em had ever been through had ever been okay after he'd seen her as he had when she laid her egg. At least Em seemed to be carrying this much better, so at the very least, this scratch wasn't as bad as her laying had been, he'd hate to think of her going through that experience all over again.

Ravine looked over at her, "I'm sorry Em, I didn't mean for that to happen."

Em shrugged, trying not to wince at her own wounds, the sound of Ravine's screams still ringing in her ears, "It's nothing compared to what you had to go through."

Summit rolled his head, neck and shoulders still aching from the pounding Queen Omelet had given him.

"It seems we've all had our share of beatings for the night," Ravine said.

"Believe it or not, that is not the most painful thing I've experienced tonight," Summit admitted, hoping to alleviate at least some of the pain the girls had been through in their time.

It took Em a moment before she caught on what he was referring to, stopping her in her tracks, "Ohh...." A guard nudged her to keep going, "uh yeah..." she trailed off shifting her legs as she remembered the experiment her and Summit had pulled off earlier that night for their wedding.

Through all the pains and beating they'd had tonight, she hated to remind herself that she too had had the worst of it just a few days ago. She looked back to Ravine, fortunately, she seemed to be doing mostly fine now, this hadn't been her first egg after all, she knew how to recover, Em supposed, even if she didn't know how to tolerate it while it was happening. She supposed, she realized with a sinking feeling, someday she too would have learned how to recover from her experiences as well.

Em gently felt her stomach, she could already feel the beginnings of a new egg of her own growing inside of her. But somehow, in that moment, she realized maybe it wasn't all bad, at least not partially. She exchanged a shy glance with Summit; to remember that he, a boy, knew more about her girly weirdness than any other girl ever would... she couldn't help but blush bashfully. There was a feeling of sadness in her knowing what this all meant for her future self, a twist of nausea knowing she was soon to go through the experiences of her first laying all over again, but buried under it there was a sliver of love, this egg would have a dragonet, and she knew someday, even if not now, she would pour all her love onto that dragonet. Her baby.

As they made their way out of the gates of the Castle, the Sun was just beginning to light the edges horizon with a faint bluish light, just peaking over the mountains beyond the castle behind them. In the crisp Twilight air, Em could see OmeletWings escorting escaping dragons back from the mountains with their loadages of eggs, many of them lacking the necessary speed to get away bogged down as they had been with the weight of the eggs they had meant to reclaim. As they reached the pavilion, they were forced to dump their eggs out on the terrace. Ravine could only watch and hope that as each bag was emptied that none of the eggs reclaimed would be the one she had come here to rescue, that her child had been able to get away. She had been so wrapped up in the laying of her new egg, she had failed to be there to make sure her first egg had gotten away, and now there was nothing she could do, as more and more OmeletWings flew in with their captives, she knew she had failed her baby.

The air was still, only a slight touch of wind blowing in that sent a shiver down Em's spine. Other dragons from the village meanwhile, were beginning to trickle into the pavilion, either for their daily breakfast routine, or having been alerted by the noise. Em caught sight of Caviar and Vitellus and many other dragons from the village, dragons she'd known all her life, but suddenly realized she felt like she didn't relate to anymore.

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