Twenty five.

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Zayn and I adventured around a local store for some paint, some time has gone by since Harry and I came up with the names, today him and I were going to find out the sex of our babies. Zayn was planning on surprising Niall, they had filled out the adoption forum and were accepted, but Zayn REFUSED to tell Niall the sex of the baby, he wanted to decorate the baby room and surprise him that way. I wasn't buying any paint, I was just here for the journey. I found some really nice grey paint, and at that moment I had a full idea for the nursery. "Zayn, how are you keeping this a secret?" I asked him, "Well, the room is locked, I only have the key. When I'm in it, locked, when I'm not, locked." I nodded, "Smart man." I said with a chuckle. The four of us had bought a large house together, it large enough so that everyone has their privacy but small enough that we're all close still. Zayn picked out a VERY light pink paint, and a white paint. "Cute cute." I said peering into the cart, "Thank you thank you." Zayn replied, "You should add that paint glitter into the white." I told him, holding up a bag of paint glitter. Zayn rolled his eyes and threw it into the cart, "Ayo sir, do not roll your eyes at me!" I said, ever so gently swatting at his arm. Zayn chuckled at me, and gently hit me back. "Zayn hurry up, mate. I have an appointment soon!" I said whining. I texted Harry what was happening and that I would be home soon. Finally Zayn had checked out and we were on our way back home, when we entered the house Harry was on the couch watching TV and Niall came running to us, "Please, let me see the paint!" He begged, "Nope, baby. You're going to have to wait." Zayn replied, kissing Niall right after. I threw my self on the couch next to Harry, hugging his arm and cuddling into him. "How was the trip, darling?" Harry asked, I shrugged. "I got some really good ideas for the babies room!" I told him excitedly. Now even though I'm a lot more excited than I was, doesn't mean the fear doesn't linger in the back of my mind. Harry smiled at me, "I'm happy." Is all he said, "I'm happy too." I replied, pecking his lips quickly before heading to our room to change into more comfortable clothes. Once I went back to meet Harry in the living room, I saw him standing by the door keys in hand and texting on his phone. "Oh, you're ready." I giggled following him out of the house.

The car ride to the hospital was filled with chatter of babies, Harry was excited. It made me happy to see him excited about being a father, honestly because of how he reacted when I first told him. He parked and headed into the hospital, I was nervous. I would love the babies no matter their sex, but I was still nervous. The nurse showed us to the room, I threw my self onto the tissue wrapped bed, my hand gently rubbing my stomach. "Are you ready Harry?" I asked, grabbing his hand and squeezing it gently. "More than ready." Just as Harry said that the doctor walked in, "Mr. Tomlinson, good to see you!" He said as he sat on the chair in front of the computer. We chatted about what was going to happen and everything, after he was finished he squeezed some jelly onto my stomach, I closed my eyes and winced slightly at the cold feeling. He looked around my stomach for a bit until he found the babies. "There they are!" the doctor said excitedly. "Alright, do you both want to find out now or are you going to do a gender reveal?" He asked us, I looked at Harry to see what he was going to say. "I think we'd both prefer just knowing right now." He said looking at me and smiling, "I agree." I replied, I squinted at the screen trying to find out before the doctor, but that didn't happen. "Alright, I think we have a little boy right here!" He said before moving around to the other baby, "...and right here is a little girl! How perfect." The doctor told us, I turned to look at Harry. "Harry! We have a little boy and girl!" I said excited, Harry leaned down and kisses me, "Those are our babies, Louis." He said looking at me and then back at the screen. "Well congratulations to you both." The doctor said as he wiped the jelly away. "They both look very healthy." He added on. I was happy, extremely happy don't get me wrong, but my fear CONTINUED to linger. How can I enjoy this pregnancy if I'm constantly worrying about my own safety. Harry and I set up another follow up appointment and left the hospital. We sat in the car and just looked at each other and smiled, but at that moment I saw a tear drop down Harry's face. "Harry... are you okay?" I asked him, "Oh uh yeah, just happy tears." He said, wiping the tear away. I don't know if I can believe him, but I'll leave him be for now. "So names, what are we thinking?" I asked him, he looked at me and bit his lip. "Damien?" He asked, smiling at me. The smile was a hope that I'd agree with him, "Alright, I like that, but I shall chose our daughters name... I think Saint is a nice name, plus our personal meaning behind it is funny." I said with a chuckle, Harry grabbed my face pulling me into him and kissing me, "Fuck, I love you so much." He said against my lips. After our little make out session we make our way home, we tried thinking of unique ways to tell Niall and Zayn, we just decided on them guessing and if they got it right we'd tell them. We walked inside the house and saw that Niall and Zayn were sleeping, cuddling on the couch. Harry closed the door and I walked over to them gently nudging them to wake up. "Wake up, lads." Harry yelled, I rolled my eyes at him. Zayn and Niall quickly woke up, looking afraid. "Good job Harry, woke them up real nicely." I said with a bit of attitude. Harry chuckled and sat down on the other couch, which I joined him on. "We have some news!" I said, leaning against Harry. Zayn stretched, "So, what are they?" He asked, "Guess." Harry replied to Zayn, "Boys." He said quickly. I might want to add, Zayn is grumpy when he wakes up. Niall cheery as always, "Boy and girl!" He said excitedly, "Well, Niall is the right one here." I said smiling at him, which he was just happy he got the guess right. "Harry, you tell them the names." I said, looking up at him. "Well, we'll have a little Damien and Saint running around." He said with a large smile on his face, "Congratulations lads." Zayn replied with a small smile now on his face. It felt good to know and imagine our babies now. If this pregnancy has taught me one thing it's that Harry will be an amazing father. 

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