First fight

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Still bosip's pov 


We entered the portal to see some beautiful scenery. Every thing was made of geometric shapes, reminds me of home, but underneath my calm body I was still worried sick about bob.. I really hope this was just a joke..

Bobot!! Omg!


While I'm still recovering from my breakdown we were in the portal, now that we're in here I could tell that something was off, the others didn't seem to notice at first.

Boder was still by me so I signaled for him to come down so I can whisper something in his ear quick, I told him i feel that something was off, he agreed. We saw something that definitely proved my worrying right, about something being off. Not that bobal wasn't safe, I really hope he's safe though.. anyways staying  focused, there was a giant pyramid up ahead with something on it.. it seems the others also noticed this, the thing didn't look like it was friendly. We quickly learned that the triangle creature on top of the pyramid was not fond of us, as boss music started playing and it spawned floating snakes made out of triangles to attack us. 

The fight begins :D pov no one 


The weird triangle creature first started by aiming at bosip, bosip dodged the snakes easily but quickly realized now they were more coming back for everyone and fast. The pointy hair individuals took action on the snakes, as the robotic duo started to do a lot damage to the pyramid. But The weird triangle creature was not having that and showed the others the real power of his snakes, as he had them create hight voltage electricity to scramble the robot and the mech/suit that bobot has. At this point The weird triangle creature decided that just killing the two would be more effective, having his giant pyramid summon some kind of wall that stretched out hit them, probably badly injuring at least bobot. The two hybrids quickly realized this, and the spider knew what he had to do.

The four armed man floated up to the triangle creature, and requested a one on one 

At this point the plan was for bosip to get the two robotic ones and make sure they were ok but someone had already done it for him, bowaev!

Bosip totally forgot that bowaev was here too, bosip lifted bofo onto his shoulders and bowaev lifted bobot for now

With the spooder (spooder pov)


He was holding his own, normally many don't last long against me so this was well..unusual... He kept dodging so I couldn't hit him, I could have defeated him in a couple of hits, but he just kept dodging. But I didn't let my guard down as he tried to trick me many times, and I could tell every time he thought he got close but I didn't fall for it he'd lose his temper slightly.

Luckily I didn't have to deal with him for long as bosip and bowaev came up behind him and then we made quick work of him. I hugged bowaev and took bobot from him.

"Soo, where are we going to go now boder?" Bosip asked 

(I don't know we'll have to find a house) I signed 

"I'm sure we will find something!" Bowaev said hopefully 

"Hey! That was convenient! I just saved you and they took out cuda!" (Srry don't know how to spell his nickname) 

"O-oh t-that's n-n-nice"

"Huh?" Bowaev asked 

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