Help from some new cubes

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Nobody's pov


"Oh sorry for not introducing ourselves. My name is cyan!"

"M-my name i-is cube!"

Boder waves and the other two say hello and they all introduce themselves. The two new cubes offer to help their friends if they help them with something, our heros accept their offer. 

"Ok let's go back to the palace!"

"Y-yeah..!" Cube agreed 

"Wait!" Bowaev realized

"Hmm what's  the problem, bowaev was it?" Cyan said

"Bosip can't fly like the rest of us"

"Oh, cube would you help him?"

"O-oh, o-of c-course.!

Yellow fish pov


Her arm suddenly turned into a claw and picked me up carfuly. I was shocked by this, the others were to. 

"Oh she can do that! She's not going to bite though!" Cyan tried to joke, I really didn't like being picked up one handed..

Turning her other had into a claw, she started to latch on to things and swing from them to keep us from falling, soon I wasn't anywhere close to the ground. I'm not afraid of heights so this didn't bother me at first..


"What are you guys anyway? Not to be rude but we've never seen shapes like you"

"We've, we're-" i stuttered trying to think if telling them that we're basically dimension travelers would be a good choice 

"We're not actually from this dimension!" Bowaev blurted 

"Oh! That's interesting.." cyan said under his breath 

Cube stopped swinging for a second at Bowaevs remark, and scared me half to death 

Nobody's pov 


When they finally arrived at the palace one of the heroes woke up

"Ugh..wha, what happened..?" Bobot groaned 

Boder simply pats his head and points the the castle seemingly trying to let him know that soon they would have a place to stay, since he had most his hands busy. Under his mask, bobot smiled but then quickly realized that bofo might need fixing, and he was the only person who could fix him..after all he made sure bofo's wiring was complex so no one else could rewire him

Quick note before I go on I have to explain some stuff. 1# Bowaev can fly but bosip can't!? He can't exactly fly he doesn't run out of energy and can also go fast enough to keep up with the others, bosip would use his sharks but their made of his magic, magic in my au is made of energy, and he's still caring bofo. 2# bofo fixes him self right? Not in my au, I wanted to make bobot more than just emotional support for bobal and since he owns his own suit/mech I made him basically really good at fixing stuff, bofo I made really good with technology like coding ect. Ok on with the story! Sorry that you have to hear me babble

Cute little boy pov ( aka Bowaev)


The castle looked like it was made of that umm, forgot what it was called.. oh umm the Aurora borealis! It was so pretty to look at! And we got to go inside and spend the night! How exciting is that!? The answer is very!! I looked over to boder to see what he thought of the beautiful cyan and blue and green-ish castle, he was worrying about bobot since he just got up, I really hope he'll be ok! Annnyywwwaaayysss..! I dashed into the castle so I could see what was inside it! Inside was..pretty disappointing there was almost nothing in here! Tell me if you got a giant pretty looking castle that you wouldn't fill it with stuff! I mean that's the point of having a castle right!?

Nobody again..!


(Srry this is kina a filller transition into the next parts)

Once they got bobot to bed the others decided that it was getting late and they should go to bed 

Now it's next morning srry I'm getting lazy 

"Hey I forgot to ask you this cyan but have you seen anymore people that look like us?" Bosip asked 

"Yes two actually! But they got caught by blixer.."

(Who's he?) boder signed 

"T-the m-main e-enemy.."

Bowaev sighed he knew that they would have to go out right away depending on how far his base was, and he wanted to spend more time here

"How far is his base?" Bosip asked 

"It's every piece of land he infects with that pink stuff" cyan said annoyed

"Which is not that far from here" he added 

(I suppose we should go now)

Quick summary of were our characters are


Bowaev, bosip, and boder are on their way to fight blixer. Bob and bobal are were blixer is. And bobot is trying to get better while also fixing up bofo.

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