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Once everyone opened their eyes, all of them were met with happiness. Bob running over to bosip giving the tightest hug he could manage, bofo picking up bobal while bobot cheched to make sure he wasn't corrupted, bowaev jumping into boders arms and latching on to him.

"I said I'm not corrupted! You can put me down!" Bobal said embarrassed 

"I will not, we don't want you wandering off and getting captured again." Bofo said calmly 

"That was bob's fault!" Bobal protested

"No it wasn't!" Bob said

"Well, your the one that had the big idea to play this game"

"Well, I'm sorry it looked fun" 

"Why don't you shut up?"

"Calm down bobal" Bobot said

"Fine" bobal said defeated 

"Yay! Now we can make cookies!!" Bowaev said dashing into the portal 

Boder and the rest followed close behind him, but before that last two went into the portal they turned around.

"Shame we couldn't stay and enjoy this place" Bosip said 

"Yeah..but do you think we could come back to it sometime?" Bob asked 

"Sure, but next time I'm going with you"


"Hey bob..?"


"I-I think this would be a good place to tell you something that's been on my mind for a while now.."

"What is it bro?"

"I-I think I-" 

"Bob!! Are you going to come help me make cookies?" Bowaev said cutting off bosip

"Hell yeah! Be right there!" Bob answered 

"Are you kidding me!?" Bobal yelled after the two were in the portal 

"What? One of your stupid anime characters miss or something?" Bob asked 

"No! You dumbass he was about to-"

"I was about ask you why you were so eager to leave..! yeah..!" Bosip said purposely cutting of bobal

"Oh! Sorry about that bosip! I was just really excited!" 

"Y'know what? To make up for that I'll make sure yours is made extra good!" Bob added 

"T-thanks bob"


The end

This was really bad, i feel sorry for you if read this whole thing without skipping anything 

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