Final fight

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Bosip's pov 


It only took a couple of hours (2  and a 37 minutes to be exact) for all of us to get to his base, after all cyan said blixer wanted to be close to what they call the artifact, a strange glowing, light blue triangle. The team still has no idea why this artifact is so special but I was given it for an unknown reason, i decided not to question it for now and just focus on getting bob back, and bobal. They had been through a lot, back to the artifact i actually did know the reason it just wasn't clear what cyan meant by what he said to me. He said "that artifact is extremely powerful and could give power to those in need, but it would be more use to your friends than you" All of it pretty vague, why if it could grant them power to destroy whoever this blixer guy was and get there friends back easily it would be better to give to their friends?

Eh, none of that mattered what mattered is that they get their two missing comrades, get home, and delete the portal that brought them there. That's what mattered. That and that  bosip got bob back. He was already missing his to-big for his mouth smile,his joyful laughs, and his sometimes funny pranks..he didn't even want to continue the list just made him feel more sad..

"Bosip!! Snap out of what ever you're zoning out to, we're at blixer's base!!"

"Oh! Heh.. sorry.."

"It's fine! Now let's get bob and bobal so we can go home and make celebration cookies!" 

I forgot we even did those.. we started it after boom slayer and the battle with boombar, we were all tired and didn't really get a reward for the suffering we went though, so bowaev thought he'd cheer us up with some cookies. They were just simple sugar cookies, but he shaped them like our icons and frosted like them too.

Bowaev was waving his hand in front of me now

"BOSIP STOP MONOLOGUING IN YOUR BRAIN!!!" Bowaev said trying to sound annoyed 

"how did you know I was?-"

"I'm just magic >;)"

"Anyways me and boder are ready so let's do this!"

I got myself mentally prepared and told my sharks to get ready..



They opened the doors and the fight was on although they quickly figured out it wouldn't be a walk in the park. He had giant canons that he could shoot these laser arrows from, and his claws were massive, if he would've hit one of them with his hand who would've known if that person would've made it out alive.  But they weren't thinking about chickening out and leaving their friends to in this game forever. They at this point we're pretty sure they would win, but blixer called some people to help him..

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