Reunited For the Wrong Reason

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The Next Morning

Waking up I slowly moving looking at the time." lets see the meeting at 9:00 and its.. 8:50......DAMNIT!" i race out of bed and put on  my uniform. When I look in the mirror Yesterday came to mind. I forgot Im supposed to show up late. Well it will take  awhile to get over there so Its not like disobeying him.  As I walk to the main building I think to myself. Yes i know we are the same Rank but due to the fact the HIragi family pretty much owes the army i can't afford to have any setbacks I have to play along with them.

As I walk into the building I see Yu,Guren's Son( or atleast that how I see them).I walk up to him " Yu!" I  hug him . Maybe he knows if something been up with Guren. " Hana, I've missed dueling with you. Where have you been?" he asks " On mission after Mission, It's been that way for the past few month, but never mind that. What are you doing here? you know only Military personnel are allowed here." He put a cheesy smile " I kinda snuck in... But it only to see if i could find Guren, Bastard been out for 10 days and hasn't given me any cursed gear." He pouts. I shake my head  look like he not gonna know anything but that not completely like Guren either to be this lazy." Well there's a meeting for top officer im heading to now. Most likely he's there." I tell Yu. " Great where is the place?, i'll bust in there and give Guren a what for" I laugh " You would walking into a lion den Yu, there are officer in there that would rip you apart, just stay out here. Guren normal walk out half way through these things being as lazy as he is" Yu pouts " fine i'll wait" I pat yu's head and laugh "I still can't believe you gotten so big" i look at a clock on the wall that read 9:15 guess its time to work for the HIragi family but still..

I walk into the room " hey everyone, sorry I'm late way too many mission." The general Tenri Glare at me " Know your place  Lieutenant General Seinaru. Like some people" his eyes goes to the end of the table at a sleeping Guren. the guy sitting next to him pushes him awake and he stand up " Is this boring meeting over?" he says and General yells " what's with the attitude? As a member of the Ichinose Family, You should show More respect!" Guren look at him with the same cocky face as alway. " My apologies,General Tenri. I was just extremely bored." he says and the rage in the room is building " Don't... get fully of yourself" Tenri growls. " Now come on this is normal for him General. I'll just go on with my report." Major General Shinya HIragi  say. Guren stand up " send me the report later I'm leaving." he say. " Guren I can't stand up for you if you're this much of a jerk." Guren walk towards me and look back at Shinya " I don't remember asking you to stand up for me". " jezz" Shinya sigh " The japanese imperial demon army is under the Noble Hiragi Family, I don't see the point of having the lowly ranking member of the Ichinose family should be at these meeting." Guren states " Good point"  Major General Seishiro starts "hurry up and get lost already" he lean back and look at me and smiles a bit. Ugh i hate everyone in this family with the exception of Shinya." That what I'm doing, bye " Guren walks out. Kureto sigh and stand up " Hana could you go talk to him. everyone should be apart of this if we want to make any headway." He give me this cold smile with his eyes."Sure, excuse me."

I walk out and chase Guren down the hall "wait up!" I yell for him he turn around and while i reach him i hear Yu call for him and launch at him." You are so direct " he says to Yu  Grabbing his leg. The looks at me " Hana? Why aren't you back there?" he lets go of Yu legs and he falls back " They sent me to talk to you. Guren you are gonna get no where from where you are now if you keep up that attitude of yours." I sigh " I know but the Politic Bore me to hell." He look back over at Yu. " If you Crave Vengeance so much fine . lets make a contract with a demon then you get the front line action you've been oh so wanting."  "eh?" me and Yu both go " Are you serious ?" Yu jump up for joy " I am. I don't care if you're not done training yet. You die it's your fault." he says  " yes ! "Yu cheers. " Oh yea and Yu?"  Guren turn toward him and he look up at him " Yea?"

Guren strikes his foot on his head  and yells " DON'T KICK YOUR SUPERIORS!"  Yu drop the floor .   want to yell at him but i just sigh and walk past yu " You really want to give him Cursed gear already?" I ask Guren sigh " Dealing with idiots is tiring, But i have to admit   I like this turn of event is interesting, plus its not completely abnormal  we both got ours at his age." he says " that was under certain circumstances  and it's not we had a choice.." I look down. Guren puts his hand on my shoulder "It's ok Hana." He smiles at me and I smile back.

we walk back to his office " so why they send you after me?" he sit. Its actually more of a who I still don't know the why." Guren looks at me and i hear him grip his teeth. " if you haven't guessed it's  Kureto, He came to me yesterday and ask me to talk you when you left the meeting today." I said sitting on his desk."I'm sorry Guren I hate being a lap dog for them or for him really. But I won't put you in any kind of jeopardy." I looked down " Its ok Hana i don't wanna put you in anything that could spill issues for you. Hana you have gotten so far and keeping up with them." He says " yea but it's not good enough.. being the only member of my family that survived that outbreak. If only my Father were alive.. things might be different.." I grip my fist and look away from guren " I know My family has equal status with the Hiiragi families but I feel alone.."  I say and all of a sudden i feel guren arms around me.

He holds me tightly " Hana, You are not alone. I Know it's hard being the only person left in your family and also i know the pain of losing the people we held so dear to us. But Believe me when I say I wont ever leave you. I will help and together we can take the HIragi family and  take their power away. I won't let them hurt anyone else." he word hit me and I break down while he just hold me.

After I calmed down. I looked up at him " Thank Guren I knew I could always trust you." I smile at him and he smiles back.  and then walk towards the window." you know there something I've been working on that  I want you to see." he says and at the moment and hear people fighting " what that's?" I ask and he walks with me out the door and down a hall. The noise of the fight get louder " My idiots  I talked about I want you to meet them."

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