Chapter 1

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It had been a frosty winter day, the type of cold when you'd love to be outside, to take in that almost bitter air. Not too cold to the point that you'd want to stay holed up in your house, and cuddle a blanket while sitting near a fireplace; or too summery that it'd cause snow to become slush. It was perfect.

But all the work that kept you preoccupied during the day, didn't allow you to enjoy the swirling snowflakes in the sunlight. Instead you decided to go out at nightfall, despite what people would repeat to you like a broken record. Saying it's risky and it'd be idiocy to go out so late. Nothing could ever happen, the night is a time of peace and tranquility to you.

It was around 9:00pm, and you decided it was time to give yourself that relaxation you definitely deserved. You left the house in an attractive [colour and style of your choice] winter coat.

As your walk continued into the park, you found a bench, that luckily for you, was not affected by the snow; as many people during the day had probably pushed off the layers of snow to sit themselves. You happily sat back and took in the atmosphere that you've always just adored.

The snow just kept gracefully descending from the sky, the nearby street lamps illuminating them as they did.

Snow crunching underneath someone's feet disrupted your silence, followed by the sound of a broad British accent. "Ah, excuse me Miss, I didn't think anyone would be out at this time, may I sit?"

Your focus immediately turning towards the sound of his voice, that seemed nervous and almost guilty in a way for interrupted you. Before you stood a man with messy, short blond hair and lime-green eyes. His eyebrows were rather prominent and bushy, yet they seemed to compliment his face in a unique sort of way. He was somewhat slim, but you weren't quite able to tell as he sported a buttoned up, and beige milford coat that went a bit over his knee in length. Along with that, a blotchy navy blue scarf sat pleasantly around his neck.

Taking in his appearance you forgot to provide him with an answer. You replied, somewhat embarrassed. "Oh, yes, of course, sorry..!"

You quickly shifted to a side of the bench, rather than the middle where you previously were; and the mysterious man sat down, a gentle smile plastered across his face. He leaned lightly on the armrest the bench presented him with and sighed thoughtfully, staring at the snow as you were a moment ago.

Feeling a tad uncomfortable with his presence you were planning to force yourself up and leave, but something compelled you not to. You did consider him to be rather attractive...could that be it? Maybe. You decided to let your thoughts roam, but after after a couple minutes, if not longer, you assumed there'd be no harm in getting to know him. He seemed to be only a tad bit older than you, and this silence felt odd, so you wouldn't mind breaking it for a conversation anyways.

((That's chapter 1, sorta short, but ay, I've never written a fanfic before. At least I'm tryin. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Comments ,criticism and upvotes are hecka appreciated! ))

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