Chapter 2

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You started up the conversation awkwardly. "I, uh, haven't seen you around here before...are you new to [the area you currently live in]...? " You mentally facepalmed yourself for asking such a odd question, you lived in such a large area, of course you never would've seen him before. You pushed yourself to provide him with a name to accompany the thoughtless and random question."My name's [your first name] in case you were wondering..." You paused for a moment, allowing his reply.

He chuckled lightly, and the similar smile from before remained. It seemed relaxed, but in a way still classy. Is it even possible for someone to smile in a classy sort of way? Probably not, but it wouldn't stop you from believing so.

He finally responded. "Well, I am actually." Almost jokingly, then asked"It's that obvious?"

Concluding his sentence he held out his hand to you, in a smooth yet soft motion, requesting a formal introduction; a handshake. " I'm Arthur, it's a delight to make your acquaintance."

Arthur was being rather formal, considering the circumstances you've met under, after all you're just a random stranger that he'd met in a park. You honestly didn't mind this formality he displayed, it was just such a rare trait in people nowadays, how could you mind? You reached your hand out to meet his and received a pleasant, firm, yet sincere handshake.

Unsure of how to reply so carefully, as he did, you just added. "Heh,, what brings you to [area you currently live in]?"

"My job brought me here. There are a number of meeting I have to attend, and they're all located in buildings around this area. I suppose they must be of great significance, I had to fly here from London. I really should be used to it by now, but I suppose some things never change."

You smiled some, more interested in Arthur now, intrigued even, you wanted to learn more about him. "What work do you do? If you don't mind me asking that is..."

He began to understand your curious nature but for some reason, he gave you a bit of a general response. "Well my line of work is with the government of Britain, England more specifically...a rather high position. It's a rather odd one though, I'd prefer not to get too much into detail with it; sorry, dear."

You gave a slight head tilt, pondering why he'd be so private with his work life. "Well..." You thought momentarily before continuing your sentence. "I've lived here for a pretty long time, if you want I could maybe show you around. Y'know, supermarkets and stuff; and, like, there are some pretty cool places not too far from here as well!"

You stopped again,realizing how eager you were behaving, and started up once more." If you were up for it we could check it out..."

He replied quickly ,yet smoothly."That sounds like a swell time; especially if I'm with a stunning lady such as yourself."

This definitely took you back for a moment, you could feel your cheeks heat up at his compliment that he oh so carefully slipped into his speech. "O-oh..! Heh, awesome. We should trade numbers, I guess."

"Of course. "

The two of you swapped numbers, just as you requested. And upon receiving your phone back you were provided with his last name. Arthur Kirkland. It was cute, definitely a name that suited him.

When he read your name he glanced back up at you, grinning gently. "[your last name], it's quite cute. "

"Thanks, you're really sweet." You smiled shyly.

"I try." His eyes returned to the phone for the moment; a tad of worry in his eye. "I must be leaving, I have an early morning starting tomorrow. I apologize for having to go already. "

"It's fine, Arthur."

Arthur nodded and stood up, and with the wave of his hand he walked off;tightening his scarf as he did so.

You really felt something for this guy. Such a gentleman, and so attractive too. There was definitely something epic in store for you two. Looks like going out for a walk so late at night was a great idea after all.

As you strolled home you let your imagination wonder, there was so much to imagine now...


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