My general definition of me

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Let me start by defining myself based on essays. My name is Tricia . I'm am 19 and was born on the 15th of May 2003. I'm a proud Taurus ♉️ according to astrology. I'm a Ghanaian and live in the capital city. My fathers name is Peterson but is dead and my birth mum I never got to know she died when I was two and I don't have any memory of her . Not because I don't love her but there is no connection between myself and her but I do have a mum named Jacenta. She is not my step-mom but my mum's sister. I do care about her. I don't love anyone because I don't believe in love. I have a brother I for sure know is my brother , a little sister I don't believe is my sister and cousins who are siblings because of my aunt and our culture defines us as siblings because there is nothing like cousin in our culture no matter how distant the relation is. I am dark in complexion and about five foot five inches. I am currently offering a degree in nursing in the university not because I want to do it but because that's kind of the only thing I think will be safe for me to bounce back to if I never find out what I want to do.
This thing right here is my biography. Any of my siblings or friends or close relation can define this me but no one knows me neither do I at this point in time.
Each time I'm asked the question," WHO ARE YOU?", I just answer by saying I am Trish because that's all I could say . So in my next chapter I'll take you through each step of my life and maybe in my last I'll be able to define myself.

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