A Field of Poppies

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Above picture is of Edward when he was 17, before India left.


The rain pelts down, hitting my skin like minuscule bullets, leaving little red blotches all over my body. Tears cascade down my cheeks as I stumble through the overgrown forest, occasionally tripping on various tree's gnarly roots. My exposed knees are raw from being scraped against the compact ground, I trip once again but this time I don't get up, I just lay there, on the sodden ground and allow the stinging rain to wash away all the pain and misery.

I'm heading to my Auntie Poppy's house, which is a 2 day walk from here. My mum always use to tell me that if I ever needed someone or ran into trouble that I should see my Auntie Poppy and she would help me. My mother and Auntie Poppy were inseparable, I remember when I was very young, I would sit on my mother's bed and listen to their crazy stories about them jumping off rocky cliffs into unknown waters and running down to the shops in their pyjamas. I would giggle as Auntie Poppy would recount the look on the cashiers face when her and mum skipped through the doors in their light blue cow sweats and matching tops.

My Auntie was a strange one though, always talking about a war between the light and the dark. Once she rallied the whole pack into her lounge room at 3am in the morning! She claimed that the Messiah and the Moon Goddess spoke to her in a dream, warning her of the danger thats fast approaching.

The Alpha soon grew sick of her antics and banished her from the pack, mum was beside herself, she soon fell into a deep depression, she wouldn't talk or smile. Due to the mate bond my father also fell into depression, but instead of wallowing in his pain like mother did, he drank himself senseless. Sometimes he wouldn't come home for days, then those days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months until one day he left for good.

This broke mums heart all over again and she couldn't take it anymore, she literally died of a broken heart.

My father didn't come back for her funeral, the Alpha didn't allow Auntie Poppy to attend and I didn't have Edwards warm hand caressing mine like it always did.

Edward... He rejected me but I'm not surprised, just look at me. I'm just a fat ugly loser who hasn't and probably will never shift. My pack is probably rejoicing and having a party due to my departure, Edward and Stacey are most likely going at it, Charlie would of already cleared out my room for one of his many girlfriends and the memory of me has already been forgotten, wiped clean from their minds. I'll go down in Chaotic Paradise pack history, they will tell their kids stories of the overweight, unattractive witch who never shifted and if you naughty you will end up just like her, rejected.

I slowly sit up in the mud, my bones scream and my muscles ache, I've been walking for hours and the cold rain has seeped deep into my skin, leaving no chance of warming up. I grit my teeth and stand to my blistered feet, my long brown hair is matted at the back, tangled with dirt and leaves. My clothes are stained with mud and I smell like a wet dog, no pun intended.

I run my shaky fingers through my knotty hair, smoothing it back and out of my face. I grabbed the strap of my bag and yanked it over my sore shoulder, the sudden change of weight making me cry out in pain. But I just keep walking...


The rain has stopped and the sun has come out from its hiding place, the once eerie forest almost looks inviting. Something red in the distance catches my eye, as I move closer I realise that it is a fold-out beach chair spray painted red, hanging from an old willow tree by a chain. I chuckle at the randomness of it, this is definitely my Aunts doing. As I cast my eyes around I realise that every tree spanning maybe 10 metres has a household object spray painted with the colours of the rainbow, hanging from its branches. I giggle at the audacity of it, I hesitantly take steps into the colour war zone, To my right is a grand bathtub painted hot pink, and to my left is a Grandfather clock slathered in green paint.

"I knew you would come" A voice speaks, I jump back in fright before turning around the source of sound.

There stands my flamboyant Aunt Poppy with her arms open waiting for a hug. I don't hesitate in running to her, as soon as our bodies collide I wrap my arms around her, "Indi-pindi! I missed you so much, my darling" Her comforting voice fills my ears and I cry with happiness. We step apart and this gives me a chance to inspect her, Just as I remembered. She has her crazy red locks tied on top of her head in some sort of intricate bun, a pink and blue polka dotted blouse which is half covered my paint splattered overalls that hang from her right shoulder, I smile, "Aunt Pops! You haven't changed one bit" I exclaim with a face-splitting grin, "Hush child, now lets get you inside, you look like you've been run over" I just laugh at her last comment before she grabs my bag and my hand.

After a couple of her out-of-this-world crazy stories about her dancing with a bulls in Spain and shoplifting in Paris, we finally arrive at our destination. It is beautiful! A white Victorian styled home perched right in the middle of a poppy field that is in bloom, the sight alone almost makes what I went through, for all those years, worthwhile.

"Come on now child, I cannot wait for everyone to meet my beautiful and special niece" She squeals before lacing her fingers with mine and running in the direction of my new home and life.

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OMG! Sorry this took so long! I was in the middle of exams and I obviously bit off more than I could chew...

But now they are over so I can get back to some sort of routine :)

This chapter is kinda boring but it was needed because I didn't want to just jump to when she comes back...

Hope you enjoy!

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(P.s) I deleted half of this chapter due to complications. 

Indi xox

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