XXXVI ; Experiment

137 12 16

- So, if I understand correctly, you think that I, Lee Minho, have superpowers and can control the time?

- Exactly!

Minho stays silent for a good moment before bursting out laughing, slightly upsetting the taller one who looks at him jadedly.

- Minho, I'm serious.

He approaches the smaller one again and brings his hand to the side of his neck, tilting his head a little to the side.

The smallest, unable to stop his laughter, lets himself go.

- Minho...

He looks at the right side of his neck, and then takes his face between his two hands and brings it quite close to his face to plant his gaze in the whites of his eyes.

- Haha.. ha... woah... Hyun', what are you doing?

He doesn't answer him immediately, preferring to continue his improvised analysis by now taking off his sweater, as if Minho wasn't capable of doing it himself.

- Hyun', I know you find me delicious and all that but you have to calm down, we don't even have any lubricant.

The taller's cheeks quickly turn red and he looks at Minho again but in an even more jaded way.

- Min', stop playing dumb. I'm serious.

- Well hello seriously, my name is divine beauty.

- Damn it, Min'...

He bites his lip and steps back a little to tug on the ends of his pants, rolling them up to watch his ankles carefully.

- Okay but what are you-

It's now on the top of his pants that Hyunjin lingers and he lowers them a little to observe the brunette's hips.

Minho then turns red in turn and comes to put his two hands on the chest of the older one.

- Hyunjin... I told you that-

- Minho, god fucking damnit. I'm trying to see if you don't have a special mark related to this power or this gift that you surely possess.

The smallest flutters his eyes and ends up getting up from the bed, picking up his top to put it on.

- Hyunjin, this idea is stupid... How could an ordinary guy like me have powers?

The stopped one frowns while remaining seated on the bed.

- Time stopping, don't you think that's another "stupid idea"?

He mimics the quotation marks with his fingers and ends up getting up too.

Finally a little more receptive, Minho stops playing the closed-minded and he begins to think about the possibility that he does indeed have so-called powers.

Hyunjin crosses his arms over his chest and silently observes the smaller one.

- Okay... So... Let's suppose I really... Well, I was born with the ability to control time... How do you activate this power?

«That's a good question» the swarthy thinks, frowning, his gaze flickering from one thing to another.

- Mmm. There's only one way to find out...

Minho arches an eyebrow curiously as he looks up at the one who seems to be clearing things up in his mind.

When his gaze finds that of the oldest, he then pronounces his words in a tone that turns out to be serious, devoid of any touch of amusement.

- We're gonna have to experiment on you and your body.

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