|part 2!!| "you stream?!" :D

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{ran pov}

The bell rings for break and we both leave to go to our lockers.
I had English now. I heard we had to do a project today.. ugh I hate having to do projects especially from English since we don't get to pick our partners. Sometimes it's not so bad but most of the time I'm either with idiots or a bunch of bullies that make me do all the hard work while they just sit around and do nothing and still get a good grade.

Anyway I was almost to English when i saw y/n walking into the class (the English classroom)
'thats not surprising since I've seen him in English all the time but almost never when we have a project to do so I guess he's not skipping English today.. I wonder why'i thought as I walked in. I sat down in my seat and took my books and notebook out as well as my pencil case. Right as I took my pencil case out I see someone Infront of me. It was y/n-

"Jesus- you scared me.. do you need something?"

"N-no sorry - "
He said that and walked away.
'that was Weird'
Anyway the bell rung and the teacher walked in.

"Okay class settle down! I have a project for you. This time there will only be two people in each group. Some art lovers might enjoy this one. Anyway you have to make.."
She explained what we needed to do for the project and put everyone in a group. And what a Surprise. I'm partners with y/n wow. My life is like a fricking wattpad story. (you better enjoy that sentence)
Anyway after class y/n walked up to me.

"Hey Mark."

"Oh hey y/n"

"Soo I guess we're project buddies"

"I guess so."

"Well you're lucky I'm with you since I can draw."he teased me. Pretty much everyone knew I can't draw anything better than a 3y/o or something.

"Yea I get it. Oh and um.. can I get your number?.. so we can meet up and do the project and stuff."

"Oh yea sure"he said as he opened his notebook.

"Can you hand me your phone real quick?"

"Uh yea- here"

"Aand yup there you go"he said as he handed me my phone back

"Just text me and I'll probably answer instantly. But don't text while in school. Some ass hole is anoying me and will think it's someone else."

"Oh okay"

"Anyway I'll catch you later."

"Alright, bye"
I said as he walked away.

{Y/n pov}

(Short time skip)

I was walking away from my locker and I spotted someone Infront of me.

It was Fucking _____.

"Hey dick head!"
He said.

"What the fuck could you possibly want."

"I saw you with that volleyball dude early today"


"He's fucking lame. And really weird. Probably ugly under that shitty mask"

"Look. You can walk all over me and talk shit. But you legit have no fucking reason to talk shit about him."

"Oh c'mon you only met him today. Why are you defending him and shit. Are you gay or some shit? No wonder you can't get any girls."

"Alright you mother fucker. I am done with your shit. Friday 6pm old park near the school. You better be fucking ready."

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