part 5!! :D "... I love you ... truly.." enjoy! :D

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{y/n pov}

I woke up at around 4am to Mark still on my chest sleeping peacefully.

I gently get him off me and lay him back on the couch as I make my way upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes since I fell asleep in the clothes I wore to the park.

I went back downstairs and to the kitchen to make food since marks mom won't be back till Thursday and all he can make is a fucking diseased looking burger.

I made some eggs and bacon. I put some on my plate and Started to eat when Mark showed up really tired.

"Morning dipshit"

"Hmm... Fuck you man."

"Just sit and eat your mom will be gone till Thursday so I'm staying over till then."


He sat down and started eating. While eating I asked him..

"Hey Mark"


"I woke up yesterday at I don't know when and saw you-"

"Oh sh-"
He said in sudden realisation.

"Dude it's fine- I was just wondering why?"

"I- uh.. Can we talk about it later.."

"Oh alright no problems dude"

We finished eating and we decided to go chill at my place for a bit

(Skip to when their at y/n's house)

"Oh almost forgot-"

I walk up to my drawer to grab my ADHD medication when Mark asked

"Hey y/n? What's that for?"

"Oh it's my ADHD medication, why?"

"Sorry I'm just a bit paranoid of stuff like that"

"Oh don't worry I'm taking the right amount and at the right time I also get a reminder on my phone of when and how much I need"

"Okay.. sorry again "

"Nah it's fine I understand"

I make sure I grabbed the right bottle first and then make sure I didn't take more then recommended and take the medication

"There.. so what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know-"

"We could go out to the park again"

"You sure?"

"Yep don't worry but if you break the boar you're paying for it"

"And there it is. Fine"

We got to the park and I managed to teach him a few things and of course the basics like how to stand on it and stuff

"There you go!"

"Yes! Oh my god I did it"
He said as he picked the board up after stopping

"Good job man! See I can teach you."

"Oh shut up."

"Make me bitch"
I say as I skate off with my board and he chases me on the one I gave him

"Get back here!"

We both laugh and giggle as we skate around with him trying to catch me.
He eventually catches up and we skate back to where we put our stuff and sit on the bench to eat some snacks and head to my house to put the boards back.

We decided to stay there for a bit
Mark accidentally opens the wrong drawer while looking for the charger and saw

We decided to stay there for a bitMark accidentally  opens the wrong drawer while looking for the charger and saw

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" the fuck? That is so many monster cans dude-"

"Pfft I guess you found my collection"
I laughed

"I guess I did yeah"

"Open the one next to it the charger is in there "

"Alright thanks"

"C'mon sit dude what do you wanna watch?"

"Uhhh... can't you pick? "

"Nope I wanna watch like 10 things and I will not finish watching it unless I watch it with someone else and you have to pic cus we'll idk what to watch"

"Fine gimme my options."

"Umm all the spider man movies,joker,... Umm avengers [literally any of the movies abt avengers] hmm the owl house, hmm..."

[He goes on and on lol]

"Okay stop. Its been 20 minutes. let's just watch one of the Spiderman movies Jesus Christ"

"Oh- I'm so sorry I did not know it was that long-"

"Shush. Its fine. Just hand me the remote and I'll pick the movie"
[He was calm and very nice abt it just a bit annoyed and tired]

"Right- here"

We watched a few Spiderman movies and half way through one of them mark seemed like something was bothering him..

"Hey man you alright? It looks like somethings bothering you"

"Hm? Oh- uhm.. I- I just I'm fine don't worry"

'You don't seem fine..'

"Dude if something's wrong you better fucking tell me right now"

"Ugh. Fine! Okay fine. I like you okay! I've always liked you you're bountiful! Hot even dude you make me feel like I'm on a rollercoaster that's my emotions. You make my life so much better. I love you y/n truly. An I- I m gay yes and I I just want you to please just-" he sighed without words.

I was stunned. Happy.. i-

He continued talking

"I've felt like it's wrong but I just can't hold it back anymore it hurt when I didn't ay anything.. when under the bleachers with you the first time I finally felt at least a little bit right and I- I have no words to describe it.."

"Mark.. i- I like you too.. like a lot.. I just never wanted to admit it because I thought you didn't like me back I just can't believe it.. I've never realised why I always felt so empty while in any relationship.. I now figured it out. I love you. You are the reason I feel full i felt something the first time we met but I didn't know what it was, since I'll be honest I've never felt anything like what I feel around you."
Saying that's I hugged him with tears not sad tears just tears..

"You are special in the way I've never seen before. Will you be my boyfriend

"Yes.. yes of course." I said happily and we soon kissed and finally my heart was fulfilled no longer empty.. he was the missing piece I needed for my little puzzle called life.
I will never forget this day

(The next day in school)

"Hey y/n!"
I heard from behind me. It was one of my teammates
"Oh hey what's up?"

"___ got kicked out of school for billing and harassment!"

"Wait seriously?!"

"Yeah! And they said that you will get a few days of detention since compared to what he did you are pretty chill"

"Eh what's detected for me anyway"

"True. Anyway I'll catch you in basketball practice next week!"

"Cya man"


"Hey Mark?"


"What's your favourite colour?"

"Oh hmmm I'd say like dark blue or something "

"Oh that's a nice colour."

"Mhm. Anyway I need to head to class you going?"

"Eh alright not gonna add a nother day of detention to my collection before my birthday"

"Fair enough. C'mon "
As he helps me up we kiss then head to class

|Yaay!! A nother chapter! :D I will hopefully make the next one soon but can't guarantee :/ anyway thanks for reading my crappy book so far and have a good one! I hope this isn't too short I really wanna give y'all something but it's all I can really do right now love y'all<3|

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