|part 3!|"the fight is today.."

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{y/n pov}
I woke up to Mark still streaming and when I checked the time it was 12 am
'how the fuck has he been streaming for so long' i thought as I sat up.

He muted his mic and said
" oh hey. Did I wake you up?"

"Hm? Oh. No you didn't" I replied in a tired voice.

"Alright "

"Do you have face cam?"

"It's off"

"Alright. I'm gonna get some water "


I left the room and walked downstairs to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and I went back up to the room.

I walk in and hear
"Alright chat I think that'll be the stream for today I'll see you guys tomorrow! Byyee"
Saying that he ended stream and I sat back on the bed.

"Soo how did stream go?"

"It went well. I'm streaming tomorrow as well."

"Awesome. Well I'm going back to bed."

"Okay. Imma change and I'll Go to b.ed as well"
As he said that he went into the bathroom and went to change.
And I just fell asleep almost instantly.

(Time skip)

Its been 2 days since I've met Mark.
It's been fun.
We finished the project yesterday and now we just need to turn it in which we'll do next week.

Anyway I was walking to the back of the school to the bleachers were Mark was waiting for me. On the way I got stopped.

"Hey dick head. Don't forget about our 'meeting' at 6."

"Yea yea whatever. I'm gonna beat your ass."

"We'll see about that " after saying that he walked away

I just went to the bleachers and sat next to Mark.

"Hey man"

"Oh hey y/n"

"How are you?"

"I'm good, what about you?"

"I'm alright. But um.. the fight is today."

"Oh damn. It's today?"


"Are you gonna be okay?.."

"I'll be fine. And if I'm not it'll be the only time I break a promise. Ever"


We chatted a bit as we ate our lunches.

"Do you think we should introduce you to my chat?"

"Hmm.. i mean sure. But we should just give little hints and shit until the day we actually do it"

"That sounds fun"

"Oh and we could also post photos where I'm just hiding in the background and stuff and maybe some other stuff."
I said as my head filled with fun ideas of pictures we could take.

"That'd be awesome! We could take a picture now"he said smiling

"Sure just make sure I'm hidden maybe just my hand showing or something"


He took a picture of himself with my hand and my bag showing with his next to him. He also obviously had his mask on.
'hes so cute.. what - no fucking ugh' I thought looking at him.

"What do I put as a caption?"

I snapped back from my thoughts
"Hm? Oh. I have no clue"

"Alright I guess I'll figure it out"

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