part 4!! "dude careful you'll fall!"

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{y/n pov} (I think the rest of the story will probably be in y/n's pov but I'll still write that just incase)

I woke up with a slight pain in my side but it was bearable it'll probably hurt for a while but I should be fine.

I got up and went downstairs to see his mom making breakfast for everyone
(we love momboo<33)

"Oh good morning!"
She said with a smile
It surprises me how she's always wide awake in the morning

I said in a tired tone

"Dose anything hurt? I can give you some painkillers if you need."

"Hm? Oh I should be fine, but thanks "

"What ever you say. I'll give you a few just incase. You can't say no you came in way too bruised yesterday for you to not need anything."

"Fine. What are you making?"

"Pancakes! Im making some without lactose just incase." She said happily

"That's nice"

"Oh by the way Mark has been so much more happer with you around I've noticed. He's become more open with us and his fans as well as trying to meet new people. I must say I'm very glad you two met otherwise I don't know how he would have coped with his dysmorphia. You genuinely helped him a lot"
she said in a sweet and thankful tone.

"Really?.. i didn't know I made such an impact on him... I did see he's gotten a bit more social but that big of an impact is very surprising."
I replied in surprise as I made myself coffee

" I must say you two are like two pieces that fit perfectly together. Yknow he told me your birthdays coming up. So what'll you do?"

"Eh nothing big. My friend is gonna visit from the UK and we'll probably just hang at my house and watch some stuff, Yknow just 3 dudes chillin. Well I really hope he can make it.. he has a lot of stuff to do for school and stuff.."

"Hey don't worry I'm sure you 3 will all be able to be there."


"No problem. You can take some pancakes their done"

"These look amazing!"

"Thank you "
She looked really proud of those pancakes it made me happy.

As I was eating Mark walked down into the kitchen. He looked really tired.

"Morning man." I said still eating

"Hmm.. morning.."
He replied in a very tired voice

"You good? When did you sleep it's like 10am"

"... 5am.."

"Dude I will personally take your phone and computer. Sleep more,you look like a racoon with thise circles under your eyes"

"Uuggh.. but I need to stream."

"Then change your schedule! We have school in the morning so stream a bit after school not at night till like 5am. And you can't say shit I don't care you want to give your viewers content I'm sure they want you to be healthy more then they are craving content and from what I know most of them watch your friends and stuff so they still get content. Maybe not from you but you're over working yourself. Now eat and I'm staying over for the day and I will stare you down till you go to sleep."

"B-.. *sigh* fiiine.."

"Your mom also left for work like 4 minutes ago and said to make sure you take a break cus she noticed you've been way too tired so you can't complain"

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