Chapter 32

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The tiers of government in the Crimson were totalitarian and linear. The King was the ruler of all and only what he said passed through the leaders of each could make any real difference to the lives of the people on the ground.

Well, that's at least how it seemed from the outside. The King had passed many ridiculous laws throughout the years that have brought drastic effects to all who survived the days of tribulation. So undermining his power would be a mistake, the final say was and will always be his, of as long as he lives. 

But... the King would never have been able to attain and obtain such a firm grip on his throne hadn't it been for the support of very influential individuals who contributed everything from funds, to slaves. These people are the legacy of the Crimson written in the shadows. They were the steel giants of change clad in an invisible cloak. But thanks to my new alliances, they stood before me, as clear as day, birds in their bath... suspecting nothing in their wake.

As I walked into the banquet after my announcement, I remembered my husband's protest to my coming.

"You are not even expected to attend, I would rather you used this time convalesce and stop bothering yourself with the biggest charcuterie board of self righteous politicians." He'd said, giving Anne a deadly look s she worked on my hair.

That statement baffled me on its own, I wondered how he could be soo comfortable saying such a thing at all, it showed he was getting comfortable with me. I also knew from the way he there these people that there was no way he could understand that from the outside, these were his people.

Pushing my thoughts aside, I made a beeline for the queen, I found her sitting alone as I was tonight, on a throne elevated above all else. In front of her there was a line of people, all curtseying, all introducing themselves so as not to suffer the fate of being forgotten by the second most important person in this kingdom.

I followed suit, being patient, allowing myself to breath evenly while awaiting my turn. I gave her a deep curtsey, and she signalled for me to stand next to her as she continues greeting the incoming guests.

The plan was simple, we were counting our allies, building the resistance from the top down. The secondary layer of power made up of the chiefs of the respective sectors that surrounded the Crimson. If we could bide favours from all the sectors, a militant takeover of the Crimson would be too easy... that's if, we absolutely had to. The intricacies of what the Queen planned to do was still unbeknown to me, our goal was the same so I trusted her. 

The sectors numbered five, encircling the Crimson like Dante's rings of hell, the innermost and arguably most prosperous being Lucia Grande. Who's chief stood right before me bowing deeply in respect for the Queen. He seemed young, the only tell of age being speckles of grey in his dark brown hair to suggest otherwise. His features were strong and defined, soo much so it looked like they made shadows on his face, by his grey eyes and under his cheekbones.

"Royalty truly is a welcoming sight." He comments, the corner of his lips lifted by a smirk. He quite immediately exuded an aura that felt eerily welcoming, like you would regret trusting him. 

"Flattery will get you everywhere." The Queen smiled down at him, "This is Princess Annelise, this year's bride."

"And she already has a seat at the Queen's right hand?" He comments in almost a snarky way.

"She is remarkable in her regard." The Queen says almost shocking me.

"I do not doubt it." He casts his gaze over to me, allowing it to trail my whole body from top to bottom.

"Princess Annelise, I'd like you to become better... acquainted with the new chief of Lucia Grande." She said in a way that indicated we were not only going to be acquainted. She gestures for me to go to him, and as I step forward he offers me his hand which I take. 

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