ch. one

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it's monday morning, and my father and i are on the way to the volleyball practice he coaches at aoba johsai.

i agreed to his one week trial to see if i could become the female manager, since he claims not doing anything after my studies other than going to get boba is 'wasting my teenage years.'

"morning!" my fathers loud voice booms through the gymnasium as he opens the double doors. i walk behind him once he goes deeper into the gym.

as he begins talking to the team, i'm not paying attention whatsoever, looking around the area.

it's.. huge. i wonder how many of me can fit in here.

"i'd like to introduce you all to my daughter, katsumi."

"where is she?" i hear someone question.

"katsumi.." my father whispers.

"oh, sorry!" i pop out from behind my father to reveal the very tall players. my slightly jaw drops, along with some of theirs.

"sh-she's so.. cute! adorable~~" one of the tallest boys with brown hair clutches his hands near his mouth in excitement.

"introduce yourself, sumi." my father slightly bends down to my ear and whispers.

"i'm irihata katsumi, second year!" i give them a closed eye smile, holding my hands behind my back.

"her voice is even cuter!" the brown haired boy exclaims, causing a boy with his hair spiked-up to slap the back of his head.

my father claps. "introduce yourselves!" his voice projects.

the boys proceed to do as told, some giving nicknames in the process.

"kyotani, you have class with katsumi. i want you to make her feel welcome there."

out of everyone i could've had class with.. kyotani? he kinda scares me, and reminds me of a bumblebee. yeah, an angry one.. maybe a wasp.

kyotani mutters something under his breath before turning his head away.

"alright, you boys get back to practice. sumi, i'm sure there's someone you'd like to see." my father gestures for me to follow him. i skip towards the bench, spotting mizoguchi coming out of the storage room.

"hi, mizo-chan!" i run up to him as he reaches the bench.

"ah, katsumi! it's been a while since i last saw you, hasn't it?" mizoguchi ruffles my hair.

when i was homeschooled, mizoguchi frequently came over to help me with my studies.

"mhm! a week and two days to be exact."

"wha.. mizoguchi-san is being nice?" i hear kunimi say from the court.

"three laps around the court for you!" mizoguchi scolds while pointing a finger at kunimi, causing me to giggle.


"katsumi-chan~~ can i walk you to class?" oikawa comes up behind me after i get up from the bench, holding my bag by the strap.

"sure, senpai.. won't you be late to class, though?" i look up to him with worry.

"it's fine!" he gently takes my bag out of my hand and slings it over his free shoulder.

"sensei, i'll make sure she gets to class alright!" oikawa speaks to my father, taking one of my hands in his.

my father looks to me, then back to oikawa and nods.

i pull a small note out of my blazer pocket and read off my classroom number to oikawa, following him as he leads the way throughout the school.

"oikawa-san~!" i hear giggles as i walk behind oikawa through the hallway. he waves at a few girls as we continue walking.

the trial ➢ 𝘢𝘰𝘣𝘢 𝘫𝘰𝘩𝘴𝘢𝘪Where stories live. Discover now