ch. four

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after eating with my father, i head upstairs to take a shower and get ready for bed.

wrapping a towel around my body after my shower, i realize i totally forgot to call my friends!

i rush over to my room to grab my phone, going back into the bathroom and setting it down on the counter, face-timing the group chat.

"katsumi-chan!" oikawa exclaims through the phone.

i look down to my phone with a smile. "hi, tooru-senpai~"

oikawa squeals as his faces turns red.

"you've done it now, katsumi.." makki says with a laugh.

"wait, what'd i do?" i brush my hair into a ponytail, some- strands coming down in the front.

"oikawa's crushing~~" mattsun snickers.

i gasp and look down to my phone. "did you make my fan-page yet?"

"no!" oikawa facepalms. "i'm not gonna.."

i giggle at his antics.

"hi, katsumi." iwaizumi says, not paying any mind to the others.

"hi, iwa-senpai!"

"so, whatchaaa doooin'?" oikawa questions.

"just getting ready for bed!" i grab two hair clips from the drawer.

"can i see?" he questions again.

"sure!" i make sure my towel is tightly tucked in before propping my phone up on the counter, the back of it leaning against the wall.

oikawa watches intently as i put the hair clips on either side of my head, pushing my hair out of my face.



"can i walk you to class tomorrow?"

"of course!"

"mattsun and i wanted to walk with her." makki butts in while i grab my phone and head back into my room.

"yeah, oikawa. you walked her today." mattsun scoffs.

"it's not that big of a deal." iwaizumi groans.

"yes, it is! i must protect katsumi!" oikawa looks at the phone in fury. "it's basically my oath to sensei.."

"anyone can walk with me!" i look through my hangers for something to wear to bed.

"i'm sorry, katsumi-chan!" oikawa whines.

"for what?"

"for fighting!"

"loser." mattsun says, making me giggle.

"loooserrrr." makki coos.

"i'm not a-" oikawa starts.

"loser!" i look down at my screen with a laugh. mattsun and makki burst out laughing while oikawa covers his mouth in shock.

"daaamn." iwaizumi chuckles. i wear the sweater from earlier, pairing it with fluffy sweatpants this time and putting my phone down to change.


after about an hour of talking to them on facetime, i decide it's getting late.

"i think i'm gonna go to sleep now.." i say with a yawn, taking the clips out of my hair and putting them on my nightstand.

"noooo!" oikawa exclaims.

the trial ➢ 𝘢𝘰𝘣𝘢 𝘫𝘰𝘩𝘴𝘢𝘪Where stories live. Discover now