ch. twenty five

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as the boys get off of the bus, they stretch themselves out before heading to our gym.

while walking with mizoguchi, he rubs my back. "your big moment is coming up, how do you feel?"

"nervous.. excited.. mizo-chan, what if they don't actually care about this whole thing at all, and they were just being nice because of you and papa?"

"don't say that, katsumi. you really did great this week.. they all saw it. even just dedicating your time before and after school shows how committed you are."

i sigh, "hopefully."

"it'll be okay."

as usual, the boys stand around the bench, with my father and mizoguchi stood in front of it.

i stand on the bench, behind mizoguchi with my chin rested on his shoulder.

"be careful." he looks at me from the corner of his eye.

i grip onto the back of his jacket to keep myself stable, "i'm very careful, mizo-chan." i whisper.

my father looks around at the circle of boys. "alright. first, i'd like to say i'm very proud of how you were able to come back from the last practice match with karasuno."

"he's right! as your beloved captain, i am also super proud~~" oikawa claps, leading the others to create an applause.

"let's keep up the good work, and bring this attitude to the next games as well." my father looks to mizoguchi.

"with that being said, we'll now take a vote to decide if katsumi will officially become your manager. if you think she's a good fit for the position, raise your hand." mizoguchi demonstrates a risen hand.

kyotani's arm goes up, barely holding up a few fingers. a huge smile appears on my face, realizing he was the first hand. 

oikawa, iwaizumi, mattsun, makki, kindaichi, and kunimi collectively raise their hands afterwards. the only hands that don't go up are from watari and yahaba.

"no offense, but, i haven't really been able to see what you're capable of, you know? you're good at helping ken, but—" yahaba shrugs, "i dunno."

my head lifts off of mizoguchi's shoulder as i move out from behind him.

"yeah, even though we're in the same grade, i feel like we barely even interact.." watari timidly scratches the back of his head, his eyebrows upturned.

upon hearing their reasonings, kindaichi hesitates to put his arm down.

"i'm really sorry, i'll definitely make sure to dedicate time to each one of you! have my word." i bow, specifically towards the two.

i had become so close to the third years so quickly, i totally dismissed the fact that i had tend to the others as well.. especially the younger group of members.

mizoguchi clears his throat, "due to the majority vote, katsumi will be officially appointed as our new manager!"

"wooo!" oikawa cheers.

i beam a smile when the clapping returns to the room. "thank you so much~~ i can't wait to continue working with you guys!" my hands clasp in excitement.

"you're now dismissed.. if you need a ride home, come ask mizoguchi— and don't forget to grab your bags from the bus. we'll hold off from any practicing today since our match was a win. rest up for monday." my father departs from the group, going into the staff room.

most of the first and second years scatter out, kindaichi and yahaba leaving with mizoguchi. mattsun and makki start tossing a ball around, with iwaizumi watching them from the sidelines.

"katsumi!" oikawa runs over to me with open arms.

i wrap my arms around his neck, being lifted off the bench and spun around the slightest. "tooru-senpai!"

he sets me down on the floor, "i'm super proud of you! i was cheering for you all week."

"really? thank you! i was kinda nervous i wouldn't make it.."

"oh, don't even worry. once they get to know you, they'll wish they had met you sooner~~"

i giggle, noticing a figure in my peripheral vision.

"maddog-chan.. something wrong?" oikawa asks the second year.

kyotani keeps his eyes on me, his jaw unclenching. "good job."

i narrow my eyes, trying to keep in a smile. "did i prove you wrong?"

he scrunches his lips, "mmh.."


"see you monday, 'boss.'" he pats my shoulder, walking away from oikawa and i.

"am i— am i seeing this right?" oikawa rubs his eyes, "is he.. being.. nice?!"

"i'm just as surprised as you are.." i sit down on the bench.

a few seconds later, kyotani comes back. "actually, could.." he gulps, "could you help me with something monday morning..?"

"oh— yeah, of course!"

his lips thin as he nods once, turning to actually leave the gymnasium this time.

oikawa's jaw nearly drops to the floor. "iwa-chan, come here! there's something very wrong with maddog-chan."

"what?" iwaizumi walks over to us with his arms crossed, doubt splattered across his face.

"he just said, like.. an entire sentence to katsumi.. he can barely even look me in the eye! do you think he hates me?"

"are you seriously asking me that?"


"i'll punch you in the face."

"i didn't even do anything! why does he respect you guys, and not me, his captain!?"

mattsun appears behind iwaizumi, his hands on iwaizumi's biceps. "have you seen this guys muscles?" he whistles. "kyotani has no option but to listen to this absolute daddy!"

iwaizumi side eyes mattsun, shrugging out of his hands. "what the fuck." he chuckles dryly.

"this," makki holds one of oikawa's arms up, "isn't intimidating."

oikawa hits his arm away. "you're not any better!"

"look. side by side." makki puts his arm by his side.

i watch the boys with a small smile, wondering how they can get into it over such a small thing.

oikawa puts his arm up against makki's, "i'm bigger!"

"sumi, let's go. you boys too, i have to lock up." my father walks past us, taking my bag with him.

oikawa, mattsun, and makki walk off, not letting their argument stop.

iwaizumi crouches down to grab a ball under the bench, looking up at me. "how was your week?" he tosses the ball a few feet away, into the basket of them.

i ponder, walking beside him and behind the others. "very different from what i'm used to.. it was really fun, though!"

"and you're feeling okay around all of us? i hope we aren't too much."

"no, yeah— i'm really comfortable around you guys!"

"if those three are ever too pushy, let me know."

i nod.

leaving the gym, my father locks the door behind us, and the boys go into the bus to retrieve their bags. i lean against my father's car, waiting for him to let me in.

"ready to leave?" my father presses a button on his key, unlocking the car.

"mhm!" i open my door, hopping in the passenger seat and rolling the window down.

"see you monday, katsumi-chan!" oikawa exclaims, waving from outside of the bus.

i stick my head out of the window, waving to the third years as my father drives off.

trial successfully completed!

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