ch. eighteen

97 4 7

practice later ends after many rounds of playing, and changing of positions.

the third-years come out of the locker room after changing out of their sweaty uniforms, coming over to my bench.

"this was the worst practice of my life." makki sits down next to me, slouched over.

"isn't this considered child labor? i should be at home, taking a warm bubble bath right now.. i could be indulging in the delicious scent of my candles!" oikawa whines, crouching on his knees in front of makki and i.

mattsun pulls his towel off of his head and drapes it over his shoulders, "you still take bubble baths?"


mattsun and makki snicker, trying to keep in their laughs.

"i take them too, don't be mean!" i raise my eyebrows.

"see, this is why katsumi-chan is my favorite~~" oikawa puts his hands on either side of me, keeping his balance while still crouched.

"you guys wanna go grab anything to ea-" mattsun starts.

"ooh!" oikawa pats makki's thigh multiple times, "can we go get boba again?"

"how are you not tired.." iwaizumi looks at oikawa with slight disgust.

"literally, i feel like my legs are gonna fall off if i take another step.." makki pushes oikawa by his shoulder, but he catches himself before he can hit the ground.

"pleeease, i won't ask again until next week!" oikawa frowns.

"nevermind, how 'bout we just get something tomorrow? either before we leave or after our game." mattsun suggest.

"but that's sooo far away." oikawa groans.

"it's only one day.. not even, actually."


"tomorrow it is! i'm out." makki shoots up from the bench, walking away from us.

"that's my cue, see you guys tomorrow!" mattsun adds before also walking off.

"so cute how they always leave together.." oikawa looks to iwaizumi, "h-"


"i didn't even say anything yet!"

"it's obvious what was coming next," iwaizumi sighs. "rest well, katsumi. we'll need you tomorrow." he takes a few steps away from the bench, stopping to barely look over his shoulder at oikawa.

"why'd he get all serious on you.. so scary..!" oikawa whispers.

"are you coming or not."

"ya— yes! i am!" his attention shifts from me to iwaizumi, "i'll see you tomorrow, katsumi-chan!" oikawa quickly catches up to iwaizumi, the two walking out together after i wave to them.

as i'm scrolling on my phone, someone walks over to me, a pair of shoes coming into vision.


i look up to kyotani, raising my eyebrows for him to continue.

he puts his bag on the ground, sitting to the left of me.

"help me with something." he grabs my notebook from next to me, flipping to a page and pointing to drawings of his hand in different positions, "what do these mean.."

"can i see your hand?"

he sighs, putting his hand out.

"whenever you hit the ball," i grab his wrist with one hand, using the other to move his fingers, "it's like this— i noticed it's kinda.. limp?" i move his hand, imitating how he hits, "it's like you're only putting your strength into your upper arm and not really using the rest. i tried comparing it to iwa-senpai's, and with your play style, it should be more like this.." i reposition his hand, letting go of his wrist.

"you take this so seriously.."

"i take pride in my work!"

"in your portraits too?"

i quickly take my notebook back from him, "don't talk about it! so embarrassing.." i mutter.

"it's nice," kyotani gets up from the bench, "you're talented." he picks up his bag, making his way to the gym doors.

i watch him walk off, my mouth slightly ajar. i didn't think i'd ever hear him compliment anybody..

i go back on my phone as the other team members leave, commencing the most boring part of practice.. waiting for my father to be done with his paper work.

i decide to get up from my bench and head to the doors, stepping outside for fresh air, but i'm startled by a familiar boy leaning against the wall. "kyo-chan!"

kyotani looks away, as if i'm not even here.

i stand in front of him, making it impossible for him to ignore me. "i thought you went home.. how come you're still here?"

he looks down at me from the corner of his eyes and shrugs, "i dunno."

"you need to get rest for tomorrow! very important day." i join him in leaning against the wall.

"it's only a practice match.. and it's not even late. i can't sleep this early."

"early?! it's-" i look at the time displayed on my phone screen, "it's almost nine! i'm usually ready for bed at this time.." i rub my, drying out, eyes.


"yes? do you even sleep?!"


"sometimes?! i could never not sleep.. i'd be tired the whole day!" i look up at the stars.

"let's go, sumi." my father comes out of the gym and locks the door. he walks by us with my bag over his shoulder, going to the parking lot.

"do you want a ride home, kyo-chan?"


"are you sure?"

"i'm fine."

"are y-"

"you just don't quit do you." kyotani starts walking away from me, towards the schools exit. i brush off his ignorance, going over to my fathers car so we can finally go home.


my father takes leftovers out of the fridge to heat up for dinner while i go up to my room to change out of my uniform and get ready for the night.

after changing and tying my hair up, i get a facetime call from an unknown number as i'm about to go downstairs.

i stop a couple stairs down to answer the call, a head of short, blonde hair filling my screen. "kyo— how did you get my number?" i lean against the stairway railing.


"oh, is something wrong?"


"so you just called me for no reason?" i go back up the few stairs, slowly making my way back to my room while talking, "i can't even see your face! this is barely a facetime."

he briefly moves his phone down, giving me a quick glance at his face, subtly illuminated by the street lights.

"what did you call me for..?" i sit on the edge of my bed, watching as he walks down a street.

"i felt like it."

"you are so mysterious all the time! i don't get it.."

"mmh. see you tomorrow." kyotani unlocks the front door to his house, ending the call shortly after.

that was random.. i get under my covers and snuggle with my blanket, finally going to sleep, but forgetting i was going to eat dinner..

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